
Chapter 71: Mahogany Wands

A mahogany wand is any wand that is crafted out of wood from a mahogany tree. More specifically, a mahogany wand is any wand that has a mahogany shaft, a mahogany handle, or both.

Mahogany Trees

Mahogany is often to refer to many tropical hardwoods with reddish-brown wood, but there are only three species of genuine mahogany: West-Indies mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), Brazilian or Big-Leaf mahogany (S. macrophylla), and Pacific Coast mahogany (S. humilis). All three trees are indigenous to the Americas, whereby West-Indies mahogany grows as the name implies on the West Indian islands, Brazilian mahogany grows in Central America from the Yucatan into South America, and Pacific Coast mahogany grows in dry regions along the Pacific coast from South-Western Mexico to Costa Rica.

Mahogany Tree, Bark, and Leaves
