
Chapter 55: Wand Handles and Shafts Made of Magical Bone, Teeth, and Horn

Although parts of magical creatures (beings and beasts) are always used in the cores of magic wands, there is another possibility. Occasionally, the handles and/or shafts of some wands are made entirely from bones, large fangs, and unicorn horns. Such wands can be very powerful but are extremely expensive because they incorporate relatively huge amounts of magical material that could have been used to craft a great many wands.

Dark Wands and Dark Wand Makers

It is certainly unfortunate that some wand makers of questionable morals are drawn to Darkness. They make dark wands for dark mages by inserting parts of dark beings (banshees, harpies, incubi and succubi, and werewolves) or dark beasts (basilisks, dragons, hydra, and kraken) into their wands' cores. Such wands are inherently dark and should only be used by properly trained and authorized witches and wizards whose job it is to hunt dark mages and dark creatures.
