
Thor and Loki Part 1

Hearing about some kind of commotion, the two Princes of Asgard, Thor and Loki headed to the throne room to find out what was going on. As the two Princes entered side-by side, two strangers were before their parents.

The boy wore dark blue pants of a material they'd never seen before as well as a white, long-sleeved shirt, while the girl wore an orange and yellow sunflower dress. The boy had blond hair while the girl had long red hair.

"Hello, my sons." Odin said as the pair entered, then looked at the newcomers "One moment please." he walked away from the throne and headed towards his sons "Please, behave yourself. These are not people that we can afford to offend."

"Father, what is going on?" Thor asked Odin.

"Since you are here, now, I'll introduce you to them. Remember, we do not want to anger these two." Odin insisted and headed back to stand with Frigga "I apologize. These are my sons..."

"Thor and Loki, yes." Nate agreed and looked at the pair as they were joining their parents "We are familiar with them."

"That makes things a bit easier." Odin acknowledged, smiling "Boys, this young lady is Hope, the White Phoenix. The Phoenix is an immortal and immutable manifestation of life and passion, a child of the universe, arguably one of the oldest and most powerful existences to have ever lived, if not the mightiest."

"She looks like a child" Thor pointed out with surprise.

"I can make my physical age whatever I want it too be" Hope insisted "Right now I am matching my pupil's physical age"

"Oh course, this young man is named Nate, apparently her pupil. She has come here to train him in the mountains." Odin explained to his sons "Since you are here, would you like to escort them to the mountains where they can train as they wish?"

Thor was quite intrigues with the girl called Hope. If her power was as great as his father claimed, dueling with her might be beneficial. Looking at her as a little girl was quite foolish as well. Thor found himself quite excited "Certainly, father. I do not mind this." Thor agreed.

Actually, Thor was quite excited.

"That is fine" Hope agreed, then looked at Odin "Can we leave immediately?" she suggested to the King.

"Oh. If that is what you want, then of course" Odin agreed, then looked at his sons "Please take good care of these two, boys."

"Alright father." Loki agreed.


Getting to the mountains was a bit time consuming since they walked there. Nate couldn't fly yet, so unless he had Hope carry him, walking was necessary. Nate, however, took the opportunity to chat with Loki and to be friendly with him.

It was late in the afternoon by the time they arrived at the cave that was to be home to Nate and Hope for the next two years.

"Thank you for accompanying us here. This will be fine" Hope told Thor formally.

"If it isn't asking too much, I wouldn't mind sparring with you some time" Thor suggested to Hope

"Perhaps another day." Hope answered "Obviously we should focus on getting settled in to our environment here."

"We'll have to come visit again then" Thor agreed, grinning. He was glad to hear he'd get the opportunity to have his sparring match and see what she was capable of, and based on his fathers words, Thor would not underestimate her.

"You can come back as well" Nate told Loki "There may be something that you can help us with, if you don't mind."

Loki was a bit surprised by the sudden request "What did you need from me?"

"We should start with Hope first, but eventually we'll both need clothes that can endure the Phoenix Force if we got all out. Our current clothes likely would not endure it if we went to one-hundred percent. They'd burn up quickly." Nate told Loki and nodded "Thor may be a good warrior, but after travelling with you I think that you will be much more helpful for arranging this."

Loki had to admit, he was pretty curious "Alright. I'll return soon then" he agreed.


Upon returning to the castle, Thor and Loki were met by Odin as they entered "Thor, Loki, how did it go?"

"We found a cave where they decided to reside while they are training." Thor admitted to his father "They may be lacking in some ways, so I was thinking about delivering some things that may bake their stay there a bit easier."

"He wants to spar with the girl" Loki translated for Thor to their father.

Odin then looked at Thor "Just don't anger her, and if she agrees, don't feel bad about losing. As far as hosts of the Phoenix go, she seemed like a pleasant enough sort, but she is still an avatar of something we cannot match."

"What can you tell us about this Phoenix?" Thor asked, genuinely curious since he was determined to spar with her.

Odin nodded "I already said that the Phoenix is an immortal and immutable manifestation of life and passion, a child of the universe, arguably one of the oldest and most powerful existences to have ever lived, if not the mightiest. But if you wand more then that, the Phoenix represents healing, regeneration, resurrection and reincarnation. It is said that all things in creation, except for the Phoenix, are able to die, even the One Above All."

"Are you saying that the Phoenix is stronger then the One Above All?" Loki asked with shock.

"The Phoenix probably is not stronger. They've never fought before, so it's impossible to truly compare the two." Odin insisted to the two princess "The truth is, I have no idea if the One Above All even exists. There aren't really any accounts of him appearing, let alone showing how strong he is. It is just part of the Phoenix's legend that all things can die except for the Phoenix. The legend says that the One Above All is not exempted from being able to die as the Phoenix is. It does not say that the Phoenix is able to kill him, though."

"I can certainly understand your caution with those two, father." Thor agreed "While I do want to experience for myself how powerful the lass is, I will be careful not to antagonize her."

"Loki, what do you think of them?" Odin asked the younger of his two sons.

"The girl is of no interest to me" Loki admitted. He could not really put his finder on what was wrong with her, but he instinctively believed that there was something weird about Hope "Nate, however, has potential" he thought back to what he and Nate had talked about together on the walk to the mountains, wondering if he'd truly be able to do that when he was older.

That, however, was a matter to deal with in the future, not right now, since Nate said that it was impossible for him right now. At least they'd have more opportunities to talk about it since they would be visiting the pair often in the future.

Yes, Hope is still being controlled by Nate, but since this chapter is not from Nate's perspective, it obviously wouldn't be mentioned.

Note that in responce to some criticism I decided to backtrack and do the Asgardian training arc from Thor and gamgs perspective before finishing the Olympian arc. I hope that everuone is okay with that. I always intended to do this, I was just going to wait until after the training arcs were over.

The main reason I wanted to somewhat expedite the training arc was to get to a certain point , because frankly I was anticipating people potentially being butt-hurt about clone Hope being a puppet of Nate's, and I wanted to get to the point where he learned telepathy and he could release her own will, to have them become seperate characters, though still bonded together through his summoning skill. She would at least then be capable of independent action/thought.

Since the guy yesterday made it clear that I needed to take my time, though, I feel as though I must release that spoiler to hopefully deter more judgmental fools from getting angry over his wish.

Jeez, only three chapters in and have to deal with two very different complaints and it's impossible to satisfy both of them, I fear. I can at least try by revealing this spoiler, though.

I didn't have to deal with this much drama with my other two stories.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts