

Chapter 87: Cathy

We had just cured the werewolves and burned the bodies of the ones that didn't make it, when Noah walked up for the forest to check on everyone. He was a park ranger and had been working with my father at the other cave hole.

We were just ready to leave when Cathy, another park ranger, pulled up in her truck. When we saw her, Dad hurried to gather the tranquilizer guns and took them into the cabin.

"I'll handle this," Noah said in a low voice, walking toward her. "Good morning, Cathy. How's it going?"

She got out of her truck and walked over. "Did any of you seen anything strange last night?"

I nearly burst out laughing. Well, if you call fighting werewolves all night long strange, then yes.

"What do you mean?" Noah asked, wearing his best Poker face. 
