
Ana reveals her feelings.

"You're still here?"

Surprised, Ana turned around and glared at Sabastian.

"Don't zneak up on me!"

Laughing, Sabastian sat beside Ana.

They were at the rooftop of the Clubhouse.

"Stargazing huh?" Sabastian asked.

"I just vanted to 'ave a peace of my mind. 'ow are they now?"

Understanding Ana, Sabastian replied.

"They just sorted out. Aurora hasn't revealed much to Aaron but they made up. At least, it's all good now. It was really a pain having those two argue whenever they met." Said Sabastian, about the situation downstairs in the clubhouse.


Sensing Ana's bad mood, Sabastian asked.

"What's wrong?"

Ana hesitated for a second before she told Sabastian about her problem.

"I broke up with Brad."

Hearing Ana, Sabastian was surprised!

They were so in love, how did they break up?

In the past couple of years, Ana had a few couples of boyfriends.

But Brad was different than the others.

They were truly in love.

At least that's what he thought.

Sabastian became a friend of Brad and knows how much Brad loves Ana.

It was only a few weeks ago, Brad was talking to him about how he wants to spend the rest of his life with Ana.

Now, they broke up?


What happened?

"Tell me clearly, Sia!" Sabastian called Ana by her nickname and asked her to explain properly.

Ana watched her best friend scrunching his brows trying to think of what might have happened between her and Brad.

Hesitating for a few minutes, taking a deep breath Ana told Sabastian about what happened and why they broke up.

"Yez, ve vere in love... Vell, at leazt that'z vhat I thought zo..."

"In truth, Brad vaz a diztraction for me..."

"Brad realized the truth that I vaz running from. The truth that I ignored and refuzed to acknowledge, burying it deep inzide my mind. I didn't break up with 'im instead it's 'im vho broke up vith me."

"It iz true that I loved Brad, a tiny part of me did. But there vaz already zomeone occupying thiz vretched 'eart of mine... That the tiny part vhich loved Brad vas overvhelmed and zwallowed by my 'eart that loved Nyx."

Ana turned her face to Sabastian and stared deeply into his ocean blue eyes.

"I love Nyx, Basti..."Ana Said giving a sad smile to Sabastian.

Ana was trying hard to not cry, but the break up with Brad and unable to confront her true feelings with Nyx along with all sorts of negative emotions that she was feeling.

Ana couldn't help but cry in front of her best friend.

Sabastian was shocked hearing Ana! But seeing the tears that were falling from his best friends eyes, he moved closer to Ana and wrapped her in his embrace.

Sobbing, Ana started telling her story about how she fell in love with Nyx, why she denied her feelings and tried to bury her feelings.

For an hour straight, she wept and told her story to Sabastian.

Ana told Sabastian that she didn't want to destroy their friendship, so she chose to bury her feelings that she has for Nyx.

Nyx was her friend who somehow became someone similar to what Sabastian is to her.

But Ana's feelings grew to the point, Nyx became someone much more important to her.

She also told Sabastian how Brad already knew about her feelings towards Nyx.

Brad found out about it long ago, he hoped that he will be able to make a place for himself in Ana's heart but his hope was denied by his reality.

Ana's love for Nyx was much deeper than he thought.

Brad's final words before splitting up, still echos in Ana's mind.

'I love you, Ana. I know you have some feelings for me but your heart still refuses me entirely! Until you're ready to share your heart to me, Ana. I choose to separate myself from you...Either we break up completely or you will move on with me. And if it's neither? Then I hope you can move on, Ana...'

Sabastian patiently listened to Ana until she stopped.

Both of them held each other in silence.

"You know Ana? You are stupid but I understand your feelings, even though I never fell in love myself."

"So my friend, don't be stupid anymore and just go confess your feelings to her. You will never be able to move on if you don't face it, you know? How will you be able to know the outcome, if you keep surrendering yourself in your fears? Just by assuming and thinking about the negative scenario's in your head, you're making a fool out of yourself. Hey, you know Nyx! So tell me, will she stop being your friend if she doesn't accept your confession? Come on, you fool! That's absurd!!!"

"But, what if-"

"Fu*k 'if'! Just go and confess, be done with it. I swear to 'Darkness' what's with people these days, why their love problems are so similar!!! There's already an Idiot downstairs who's also in the same situation as you and that person is the other half of the soul you are in love with!" Sabastian facepalmed himself thinking about his idiot friends.

Hearing Sabastian, Ana widened her eyes in realization!

She totally forgot about Aaron and Nyx being the same 'soul'.

"If there is someone who can understand what you're going through then that person is Nyx. Listen, idiot! For now, delay your confession until things are sorted between Aaron and that girl he loves. After that, go and confess your feelings. Don't bury your feelings anymore. Your feelings deserved to be answered for better or worse, your heart needs a clear answer for you to move on. If you ask me about your friendship with Nyx then you don't have to worry about that. Yes, it might be awkward between you two for a while but it will resolve on its own given time. We cherish our friendship more than anything, Ana!" Sabastian went on and set this idiot best of his straight.

Sabastian talked about their friendship and advised Ana.

After talking for 20 minutes more, Ana's mood became better.

"You fool, I don't know vhat vould I 'ave done if I 'ad never met you!" Ana hugged Sabastian tightly before letting go.

In response to Ana's words, Sabastian replied saying "You probably would have been killing bears and wild boars in the Tevittar Tribe." Chuckled, Sabastian.

"Feeling better?"


"Not thinking about Brad but Nyx, huh?

"F*ck off! And 'ell vith Brad, 'e zhould z*ck 'is di*k. 'ow dare 'e dump me!!!"

"Hahaha." Both Ana and Sabastian started laughing.

The two talked for an hour more about their times when they were children before they went to sleep since it was very late at night.


Aaron was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

He was thinking about what should he do now.

Aaron was holding his phone on his hands.

Turning his head to the side, Aaron grabbed a pillow.

Burying his head on the pillow, he screamed feeling embarrassed thinking about his confession.

"Okay, calm down! Calm down, Aaron. Let's think about what should I do!"

"Should I text her? Or should I call her? What does that 'Okay' mean?"

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

He checked his phone and saw it was a text from Yong-Hyeon.


Quickly unlocking his phone, he started to read the text that Yong-Hyeon sent.

'Hey! Your confession sucked but for now, you passed I guess. So have a proper talk with mom soon. She is busy tomorrow but the day after tomorrow, she will be free. Plan a date, Idiot!'

Reading the text he was in a daze for 5 minutes before he stood up on the bed and leapt in joy!



But right after he jumped around, Aaron fell on the bed holding his body.

His body was aching all over, but Aaron had a hideous grin on his face full of pain and joy.

"She said 'Okay'!!!" Aaron screamed at the top of his lung, holding the pillow in his embrace rolling on the bed.

Trust me there are also goofy guys like Aaron that acts like a maiden in love IRL.

Here's the new chapter.

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[(2/5) Weekly chapters released.]

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts