
Chapter 41 Judgement Unleashed Part 7


Currently in the outer part of the city Suu's army had just arrived and had easily broken through the outer wall with barely any problems because most of the enemy were preoccupied with the battle that was happening inside of the city. In the skys above the city Yama as well as the other Gargoyles were ripping through the flying puppets with ease, especially Yama, not that this was a surprise to anyone, he was easily cutting dozens of them apart with a single swing of his battle axe while yelling profanities at everyone that got close to him.

"Hehehehahahahaha" suddenly several green humanoid looking skulls that were made out of ghostly green flames came whizzing past Yama before exploding very close to a group of enemies all while crazily laughing to themselves.

"Watch your fucking aim you flying pieces of driftwood!" Yama yelled at the Abyssal wrecks that were shooting said laughing skulls from the cannons on there decks, however, just then several long range magic attacks slammed into Yama as several puppets arrived and began attacking him with melee weapons.

"Ohohoho, you want to fight with me? Hahahahaha, fine then, come at me you mindless fuckers!" Yama roared as demonic looking chains that were covered in glowing red cracks shot out from all over his body before wrapping around the nearest puppet or cultist.

"Now you can only attack me and no one else, so I hope your happy because you are all now invited to my ass kicking party you little fucking bitchs!" Yama grinned as the chains vanished leaving behind glowing burn marks on those they had touched.

Down below on the ground Rai was running through out the city at speeds faster than the eye could track, as he ran he cut through every cultist and puppet that he came across before they even had a chance to react let alone defend themselves. He also used his sub skill call of justice to decrease the strength of every enemy that was with in range of said skill while also increasing the strength of his allys.

The other Living armours were currently creating massive amounts of black smoke through out the city, they also focused on working in formations to block off several streets and key areas while also hunting down any enemies that they could find. The Living armours were also being supported by the Magma golems that were currently rampaging through out the whole city and the Thunderpedes that were being used as living artillery to bombard enemy locations with massive amounts of lightning.

'Yes Mika, I want you and your Wraith to focus on evacuating the slaves out of the city as well as helping any of the injured you come across to me and the medical team' over with Fuyuko she was currently talking through thought communication with Mika while standing in a small open area that was being used as a command post of sorts.

'I know that but right now you can be more helpful this way instead of trying to spread chaos, after all, the cult has probably figured out by now that we are controlling some of their members and are putting in counter measures to stop you' Fuyuko said before she got a somewhat reluctant response from the other end of the link, she then just nodded to herself before cutting the link off.

"Now then, how are they?"

"Their stable but it would be for the best to put them in stasis, at least until they can be properly looked at by one of the healers" one of the living armours that had been assigned to help Fuyuko said as he tended to the dozen or so injured that they had managed to find so far, most of which were members of the Hive that had been harmed during the start of the battle.

"Okay then, I'll do that now. The rest of you take the ones that I've already done and carry them out of the city so the pick up team can grab them" as she said that several Abyssal creatures such as living armours and magma golems began picking up strange yellow almost crystal like cocoons, each one of these said cocoons had a living being crystallized with in them with varying types of injuries.

"Incoming!" Someone suddenly yelled as a group of Puppets had managed to get past the outer guards, they then landed not far away and headed towards the injured with their weapons drawn.

Before Fuyuko could give out any orders or do much of anything for that matter massive roots exploded out of the ground around the Puppets quickly entangling them before they could move out of the way. Moments later a strange orange sap began to leak out of the roots, slowly this odd incredibly sticky sap began to cover the puppets until they were almost completely covered in it. The puppets tried their best to struggle out of the roots and sap but were unable too no matter how hard they tried to escape.

"Thank you for that" Fuyuko said as she nodded in appreciation at the short old man who had just walked over to her.

"Do not worry little one, after all, I will not just stand bye and watch these poor creatures attack people who are injured and unable to fight back, not that they have much of a choice because they are being controlled but still" Gramps said with a smile.

"Sometimes I wonder how the cult managed to catch you in the first place" one of the Living armours said while rubbing the back of their head.

"Haha... that is a long story... one in which I don't plan on sharing at the moment" Gramps spoke while sound a little sad.

"Already everyone we need to get back t-"

"Hey, Fuyuko!" Someone suddenly shouted cutting Fuyuko off.

"What is it?" She asked as she turn to look at the person who had spoken, turns out it was the angry leader of the Gargoyles himself.

"You might what to see this" Yama replied as he pointed at something off in the distance.

(Yama stop fighting in the middle of a battle! God, is the world ending or something) Fuyuko thought as she jumped on to the roof of a building where she could see what he was pointing at.

Off in the distance there was a blinding golden light that was coming from the far side of the city and it was getting bigger rapidly, it didn't take very long until everyone in the city had noticed it. For just a moment the fighting through out the city had almost completely stopped as everyone just looked towards the golden light that was engulfing a large part of the city. However, this strange sense of aw that had befallen the whole place was quickly replaced by shock and panic as every living thing in the city was both blinded and deafened at the same time. This seemed to happen because not only did the light suddenly grow in brightness to the point it covered the whole city but also that an incredibly loud sound could be heard that made it nearly impossible to hear anything.

After just one or two seconds the noise and light both faded away until there was nothing left of them, it did however take everyone just a moment to regain their composure.

"W-what was that?" Fuyuko asked as the ringing in her ears slowly faded away.

"Yama?" Not getting any response she looked over at Yama only to see him looking at something with a slack jaw and wide eyes, in fact most people seemed to be looking at the same thing he was, even the Cultists were looking as well.

Turning her head to look over at what everyone was staring so intensely at she saw something that made her freeze in place for a second, she even ended up slowly rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Fuyuko was usually calm and very focused on what she was doing but right now, right now all she could do was stand there with a shocked expression on her face. What she was looking at was both the mountain that the city had been built into and the barrier that surrounded the island, something had done one hell of a number on both of these things.

The top of the mountain, it's peak, had been completely obliterated with what remained being turned into molten magma from the shear heat of whatever had done this in the short time that everyone was blinded. The most shocking thing to everyone was what had happened to the barrier, it had a massive hole in it. Whatever it was that had melted the top of the mountain had gone right through the barrier as well making a large circular hole in it, however, that wasn't all, it hadn't just gone through the barrier but had also seemingly made all the clouds in the sky above the island vanish in an instant, it was as if they were all vaporized or something.

"THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME!" Yama yelled with sparkling eyes.

"Yama, go see where that light came from"

"Already doing it" he said as he turned and shot off in the direction of where the light had originated.

Over with Suu the golden light slowly faded from her eyes as sweat streamed down her forehead. She was panting heavily as exhaustion seemed to be kicking in while she wobbled a little as she tried to catch her balance. In front of her was a rather shocking sight, the Bishop, or what was left of him anyway, was standing there in a rather horrid state to say the least.

Their body was completely and utterly burnt beyond recognition. Most of their skin and mussels had been completely burnt off with what little remained hanging loosely on to their broken and charred black bones. All the blood in the Bishop's body had probably been boiled into a gas as there was no visible blood any where on them that could be seen. Oh and they were also missing almost all of their organs, however, somehow they were standing, somehow even though they were practically missing almost 90% of their whole body they were still alive and slowly regenerating at that.

"Damn... that nearly killed me... if it had hit me head on it probably would have actually" the Bishop coughed out even though it should have been completely impossible for them to talk in that state.

"How... how the hell... wait.. did you jus-"

"Seems like our time is up for now" the Bishop said cutting her off as they noticed Yama flying quickly towards them in the distance.

"However, here's a little warning before I go, someone very important is interested in this little cult and their great and holy mission. Haha, it's hard to say that with a straight face. Anyway, I suggest you don't get to involved or who knows what might happen to you"

"I'll see you around little bird" the Bishop said as a glowing purple portal appeared underneath them and they fell through vanishing from sight.

"Did... did they just say "I"?"
