
Chapter 4 To Much Cuteness

It's been about a week since the Ogres have joined up with us. They have also all evolved into kijins after Rimuru had given them all names. And to my annoyance and to Rimuru's amusement they had started to call me lady Suu, I'm guessing they picked it up from the others.

As soon as I had an opportunity I had ask Hakurou (the old man) to train me, to my surprise it seemed Rimuru had already asked him to do so. He can be such an idiot sometimes...

Right now I was running through the forest exploring and of course Rimuru had sent Ranga with me. He said that it was just in case I run in to Orcs or anything else that I would need help with fighting.

(It's weird having someone who's this over protective of me..... I honestly don't know how to feel about it. How am I supposed to feel about it?) My thoughts were interrupted when Ranga spoke.

"Are you Alright lady Suu?" he ask from with in my shadow.

"Yeah I'm just..... I'm just thinking that's all" I could tell he didn't buy it.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He sounded a little concerned.

"No not really....."

He seemed to respect my privacy as he didn't ask any more questions after that. It was kind of awkward actually because neither of us said a word. This silence continued until I couldn't take it anymore and finally spoke.

"Do you think we should start heading back?"

"Yes I believe we have been gone long enough" Ranga responded.

Just as I was about to turn around and start heading back to the village I felt something to my left. It felt just like the first time I met Rimuru, it was the same feeling that made me want to trust him. I didn't know why but I felt like I should go towards it and before I new it I was on the move.

"What is it?" Ranga was a bit confused at my sudden actions.

I didn't answer him I just kept on moving towards that feeling. I knew that I was getting closer and closer to whatever it was that was calling to me. It was hard to describe but I could tell that it was different from the first time, the first time it happened with Rimuru it was a warm and soothing feeling. But this time it is like it's urging me to go faster to get their in time, for what I don't know.

What I saw when I reached my destination was definitely not what I was expecting. In front of me was a massive black bear like creature that was at least 3 meters tall. The creature also had several large almost metal looking spikes coming out of it's back.

It was preparing to attack three other monsters. A snake that had a grey colouring that was at least a meter long, that seemed to have been injured. There was also two cat like monsters that seemed to be trying to protect the injured snake, one was black while the other was white.

Before I could even think about why I was drawn here by that strange feeling, I saw the bear thing start to move towards the three monsters. It had a hungry look in it's eyes and I could easily guess what it was going to do.

The bear like creature tried to attack them but I easily stopped it's paw with my hand. It seemed a little confused but that confusion soon changed to anger when it realized I had interfered.


It then tried to hit me with it's other paw but before it could even reach me a black spike shot out of the ground and impaled it.

<Darkness manipulation>

The bear raored in pain before pulling it's paw away from the spike, however by doing this it made the wound bleed much harder. The bear then started backing up slowly while never taking it's eyes away from me.

I then stretched out my hand towards the bear, as soon as I did a black aura began to release from my hand and spiral around it. The aura then started to pull everything towards me however I made sure of that the three behind me would not be affected.

<Everlasting Hunger>

The creature tried to fight the force pulling on it but it's efforts were useless, the pull just continued to get stronger and stronger. Eventually the bear couldn't fight it any longer and was pulled towards me. As soon as the bear came close to my hand it's body began to be compressed and absorbed in to me. It only took a few seconds before the whole bear was turned in to magical energy.

(Well that takes care of that.... now then)

After I got finished with the bear I turned around and looked at the three that I had just saved. The two cats were hissing at me while the snake seemed to understand that I was not going to hurt them and was trying to calm his friends down. It took sometime but eventually they calmed down enough that I could touch them.

"See everything is okay now" I said as I patted them on their heads which got me an adorable purr.

(Now Suu stay calm. just. stay. calm. their just two adorable little kittens..... god why are they so cute) I tried my best to keep my composure.

I then use one of the healing potions that i had on me to heal the snake before i forgot.

I sat there for sometime petting them on their heads, before i reluctantly stood up. I had to get back it was starting to get late after all.

"Okay be safe now" I started to walk away from them only to be stop by something pulling on my leg.

I looked down only to see something that almost melted my heart. There hanging onto my legs was the two cats looking up at me with big adorable eyes. (Just imagine puss in boots). The snake was also looking up at me but it had a more apologetic look.

"Do you want to come with me" as I say that they all started nodding their heads rapidly.

I wouldn't admit it but I was actually pretty happy that they wanted to come with me. I didn't know if it was because of that mysterious feeling or what but I didn't really care right now.

"Well I guess it's okay but I will have to give you guys names first" They became very excited when I said that.


I first looked over at the black cat and said "Yin" i then looked across from Yin at the white cat who I then named "Yang" finally I looked over at the snake and said "Zeref". Suddenly I felt weaker but I already knew that this was going to happen. I then watched as the three began to glow and change.

Yin and yang turned into cute neko girls they looked like twins except for the hair colour. They also had two tails in stead of one I'm guessing they got my transformation skill. I quickly pulled out some fur clothes from the abyss that i had in storage. As soon as I handed them over the two quickly put them on.

(I'm going to have to ask Shuna to make them something better later) I thought.

Zeref on the other hand just got bigger and bigger until the light faded away. I have to say he was massive his head was bigger then my hole body, that's how big he is. His head has also grown a pair of two large dragon like horns. Also his colouring has changed he was now black with red markings.

(A/N. Sigh. I wonder how many jokes I will get for that paragraph)

I quickly activate my eyes and looked at Yin and Yang. They had evolved into two tailed abyssal cats and it seemed they had gotten not only my transformation skill but my abyssal flame and abyssal gate skills as well. And to my surprise Yang had a unique skill it was called <Heat Wave>.

Zeref had evolved in to a abyssal basilisk and had gotten the abyssal gate skill and my shadow movement skill. He had also gotten some new species skills like Petrify and Acid Rain.

(Acid Rain.... I don't even want to know)

"Thank you master" they all said bowing their heads in reverence .

"Just call me Suu" I sighed.

"Understood lady Suu" I just gave up knowing that this was happening even if I told them not too.

"So can I ask why two cats and a snake were together?" I ask curiously.

(That kind of sounds like the opening line of a bad joke)

"I found them a few monthssss ago and I just couldn't bring my sssself to hurt them sssso I took them in my lady" Zeref spoke in a slow manner.

"Yeah" the twins said cutely.

So Zeref is like the responsible older brother and the twins are the cute little sisters. Huh that's actually kind of adorable.

"Hey Ranga you can come out now" as I said that the massive wolf came out of my shadow.

"Eeeeep" the two twins hid behind Zeref.

(My heart can't take this cuteness much longer) I thought while holding my chest.

"It is okay I will not harm you, as you are now servants of my masters daughter" Ranga announced proudly.

The twins looked at me and I gave them a reassuring smile. They then stepped out form behind Zeref and hesitantly greeted Ranga.

"Ranga head back a head of us and tell dad I made some new friends" i couldn't wait to see Rimuru's face hehehe.

=============Benimaru pov==========

I was waiting with lord Rimuru and some of the other villagers. Apparently Ranga had come back without lady Suu and at first this caused everyone to panic. However after Ranga explained that lady Suu had a surprise for us things calmed down a bit.

"Hey Ranga so what's this surprise she has for us" lord Rimuru asked.

"All I can tell you is she made some new friends" Ranga explained.

"Fine. Guess we will have to wai-" before i could finish the trees began to shake.

Once the trees parted what I saw made me shake my head in amusement, it seemed everyone had a similar reaction. Well all except for lord Rimuru who just face palmed.

"Well this is not what I expected" I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

===========Rimuru pov==========

I'm standing on the outskirts of the village looking at something that I was not expecting to see today. In front of me is my adopted daughter sitting on the head of a massive black and red snake, with two adorable looking neko girls on either side of her.

"Hi dad" she waved at me with an amuse smile on her face.

"What the heck is this" I said while spreading out my arms dramatically.

"Oh allow me to introduce you"

"This is Yin" see pointed at the black haired neko on her right.


"This is Yang" she then pointed at the white haired neko on her left.


"And finally this is Zeref" she then pointed to the massive snake

"Greetingsssss. I am guessssssing you are the lady'sssss father" Zeref spoke in a slow and calm voice.

"Sigh. Yes I am"

Zeref then lowered his head so the girls could get off of him.

"So did you like my surpri-" she was cut off when I hit her lightly on the head.

"Ow what was that for" she looked up at me.

"That was for scaring me when you didn't come back with Ranga" this made her smile a little.

"So explain to me how this happened"

She then went on to tell me the story of how they met. The others were surprised when they found out Zeref was a basilisk apparently they are quite rare.

"Well I can put the twins in a hut together but where am I going to put Zeref he is massive" I said while looking up at him

"It'sssss fine I can just live in sssside the lady'ssss ssssshadow for now until you find a place for me"

"That's fine with me" Suu added.

"Fine. I will get the builders on making a place for you but it will take time"

===========Suu pov=============

It's been a couple of hours since then and I have shown my new friends around the village. I also took the time to introduce them to everyone I could.

Right now I was lying in bed thinking about what the future could hold for me.

"My lady are you okay, you've been sssspacing out for a while now" Zeref ask from my shadow.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking. Goodnight Zeref"

"Goodnight my lady"

(A/N. Just want to know should I change how Zeref speaks or are you all okay with the sssssss. Also I know that it's a bit early to add more characters but... cat girls and cool giant snake, I couldn't help my self.... come on... don't judge me)


///Name:Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters.

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(Blue hoodie with cat ears.

white trousers and shoes.

Black scarf)


(Blue Ash *scythe*)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.)


New Yin(two tailed abyssal cat)

New Yang(two tailed abyssal cat)

New Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Hunger resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Everlasting hunger

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none

