
[Arc 1]Chapter 4

Mara Marielle's POV



"Ugh...", I moaned as I turned off my alarm which had done it's job.

I yawned as I stretched my arms, and then continued to stretch my body and then I clapped my hands.


My maids came in my room, as well as Blanc.

"Status report please, Blanc.", I asked my maid whom has been with me since I was born.

"Yes.", She affirmed my order and then continued on "Today, you have study appointed study sessions at 7:50am, etiquette sessions at 9:15am and lastly at 1:00pm you have training sessions with sir Arno F. Fabian, then your day will be free for the rest of the day.", Blanc explained my schedule.

When I heard my schedule I at first had slight doubts because a large amount of my daily time as been cut thanks to THAT guy.

'Ugh. Training with that arrogant, smug, cocky and... and... Yeah!', I thought while detesting my schedule.

It's been only 2 and a half months since he arrived in our household, he's pretty strong considering that his [Semblance] type has more to do with creation however that's not what I'm annoyed about.

---Hey Princess~

---Aww~ someone's getting fired up over fighting a weakling~

---Thanks for your tea~ Oh! An indirect kiss? Embarrassed?

What I'm annoyed about is that he constantly teases me! At first it was funny, but after that it just got annoying, to the point I even confronted him! And his reaction?

---Aww~ Is Princess now a crybab--GOFUH!

That last one was when it snapped and I punch him in the stomach with my full power. Thanks to him I had been grounded for a whole week!

Although... I know it's not his goal. I once over heard a conversation between him and father which goes like:

---Mind telling me why you keep harassing my daughter, Mr. Fabian.

Father asked the impudent brat the question which I've held since the day he came.

Honestly, I thought that he would laugh it off however this time I heard him talk in a serious voice.

---Long story short, the more I piss her off the more she'll go after my guts in training.

There was a moment of silence.

---Are you a masochist?

Both me and Arno reacted, although I didn't let them see my reaction.

I reacted with:

'What a bunch of perverts!'

He reacted with:

---Dude. I'm more of an S than an M, although that's considering if you keep the S&M play however if we're not going by that term then my answer is...

---Your answer is?

---Oh hell no!

He shouted towards my father, however at this moment I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw that my sister and mother were also listening in.

---Why do you hate it?

For some reason, I began listening in when I heard this.

---I don't really hate it, it's just that I won't stick my dick in everything I see just because I'm an apparent horny teenager.

When everyone heard this we all started blushing - even my mother - because he said it with a straight face.

---I see... Well, I guess I have a new variable to add to your training.

---Huh really! What is it?


---Etiquette, seriously man? Thanks!

Both me, my sister and mother were dumbfounded by his reaction.

---Now I can piss people off AND act like a gentleman, in others words, A super asshole!

I could hear the excitement in his voice as all the Marielle members calmed themselves while thinking:

'How childish.'

However, what we didn't expect was what my father said.

---You truly understand it!

---You too?

---Yes! The art of pissing people off diverges into more paths than people could possibly imagine!

---You are a true friend!

---To think I would find a true friend so late in life.

We then saw both of them shake hands as they both smiled at each other in acknowledgement, I could also see mother facepalming.

So in other words, I know his reason but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

"M'lady?", I heard my personal white haired maid snap me out of my daze.

"Huh?", I voiced out in confusion.

"You've been standing there for around 10 minutes now.", Blanc said to me which took me a while to process.

'Ten minutes.', I audibly voiced out in my head. It took many minutes until I realised the implications of that statement.

"Oh no! Ten minutes!", I said as I rushed out the door and headed towards my study session.

I ran as fast I could because I know. I know, that my study tutor is ve~ry strict time wise. Scary strict.


I opened the door only to see my furious teacher. I looked at the clock overhead him and saw that I was late by 10 seconds.

"Oh sh--"

That day. I suffered a fate worse than death, and I know exactly who to blame this for.

'Damn you, Arno F. Fabian!', I screamed in my head.

After the session from hell, it was finally time for the etiquette session. I headed to the etiquette training room while visibly sweating, because my study teacher didn't hold back his anger.

"Tch.", I clicked my tongue when I saw that the despicable Arno had just entered the etiquette session room.

I entered after waiting exactly 30 seconds because I had to prepare myself for the mayhem that was probably about to ensue.

"Oh? Miss Marielle your early for once... It can't be...", I twitched visibly at the first half of her sentence, however I denied the second half while slightly blushing.

'Hmm?', I glanced towards Arno and saw him sweating heavily for some reason?

"Are you okay, Arno?", I asked while tilting my head, but for some reason he sweated even harder.

When I noticed that he was nervous I realise something with sparkling eyes.

"Oh~ are you nervous?", I teased him.

'Heh. Your turn to be on the short end of the stick.', I thought while grinning, however what he said turned the tables on me.

"Truthfully, yes. Your kinda beautiful, right now.", He said while averting his eyes and searching his eyes.

When I heard this I blushed while looking at the ground.

"I-is that so...", I murmured.

There was a moment of silence which was broken by the etiquette teacher - Pink - who for some reason stared at us heartwarmingly.

After that we had a normal etiquette lesson, however I became slightly conscious of him during the dance. But luckily, he was so terrible at dancing that he didn't notice it.

'The reason I'm feeling like this, is all his fault!'

After the etiquette session, it was finally for the daily spar.
