
Breaking Through Her Shell - Part 2

"Kay…" Raven looked at Kayla with emotion as her golden eye sparkled with a lone tear.

"You've finally opened up to someone, hehe," Kayla chuckled while gently patting Raven's head and rearranging her crimson-purple strands that were all over the place.

Hearing Kayla, and the relief hidden within her every word, Raven didn't know how to express her feelings. 

Everything that has been happening today has been a great surprise to her, and she still hasn't even wrapped her head around it all. 

"Uhm," She finally nodded, allowing her tears to fall down her rosy cheek and towards her chin, while wrapping her arms around Kayla's tender body.

"The cloak," Maya pointed out that the cloak was not covering Raven anymore. At some point, she had forgotten to hold it tightly and it had simply slid away.

Realizing that, Raven blushed and quickly covered herself again.

"It's alright though, isn't it?" Maya asked. "There are no strangers here."
