
Demolishing Fake Heroes - Part 6

The so-called hero, Hoda, weakly looked up at his comrades, struggling to even make the slightest movement with his eyes and head. 

The act of looking at his friends, or rather partners in crime, was enough to leave him panting and wheezing for the precious oxygen in the air.

"What are you doing, Hoda?!" One of the humans, Honda's partners, called Mola yelled, realising that something has gone terribly wrong.

Even though each of them had their own battlefields that they still had to take care of since not all of the original residents were dead yet, they didn't hesitate to rush over to Hoda when they realised it was an urgent matter. 

However, they still didn't expect him to look like a pitiful wet rat with two hollow soulless eyes!!

'What just happened?' Mola thought while looking at the black haired man sitting imperiously on the massive and glorious throne, as if he owned the entire planet. 

He didn't even bother looking up at them!
