
An Old Acquaintance - Part 2

* Alan Walker, K-391 & Emelie Hollow - Lily *

Caleb wanted to inform the police, yet he couldn't. Red Joe had most police officials under his thumb.

Flying away wasn't an option either since he'd know of that as well, thanks to his men in the airport. Caleb had tried to let his daughter run away with her friends, at least untill he deals with the problem.

'If I stay here, they shouldn't notice that my daughter has left with her friends. And even if they do, technically, I would still be here myself so that shouldn't cause any troubles...' that was his thought process.

Yet, even though Red Joe was supposed to arrive in at least a week from now, he was six days earlier than what was first planned.

"Oh by the way, Mr. Drakon," Red Joe saw that Caleb was in a trance and decided to knock him out of it. "Good touch on your part to let your guards know about our arrival and ask them not interrupt us." Again, he smiled in a threatening matter.
