
Dawn of a New Era(Part-3)

A large man with an ornate-looking horn stared at the dying embers of the campfire, his mind occupied by deep thoughts.

"Lord Ziraeki, did you stay awake the whole night? It is not good for your health."

Ziraeki chuckled as he spoke, "I am fine, Jonathan, and how could I sleep when my men are awake to fight those creatures."

"I hope there was no sighting of those creatures tonight?"

"No, though, with how fortified our town is, I do not think the creature would be foolish enough to attack us."

"Maybe not, but that does not decrease the danger, as we have no idea about their number and those creatures are known to toy with their prey."

"More importantly, do not forget what happened with our twin town; they overran it."

"Lord! Lord! The scouting party has returned, and they bring news."

"Jonathan, let's go."

Ziraeki quickly moved towards his scout's location, with Jonathan running to keep up with him.
