

"REGINA Crowell, what did you do to me?" Neoma asked, hating the way how her words sounded clearly in her head. But her actual voice was, well, sounded like a baby. And she also hated the fact that she had to look up at Regina Crowell while talking to her. "How did you do this to me, huh? I'm supposed to be immune to spells."

But was it really a spell?

Regina Crowell wasn't a mage or a sorcerer. Her strength didn't come from the ability to wield magic.

[And the power that exploded in her earlier wasn't Darkness either.]

In fact, it was similar to divine power.

[Wait, divine power?]

But Regina Crowell had the Darkness attribute. She wasn't supposed to be capable of wielding divine power…

Huh, wait.

[I have both divine power and the Darkness attribute. Does it mean Regina Crowell and I are the SAME?]

She loathed the idea.

But then, she suddenly remembered what her old self said to her before.
