

CALLISTO de Luca would admit that in his present state, killing Ruston Stroganoff would be difficult for him.

Thus, his priority was to save Calyx.

Escaping from the purple-haired boy with the Masterpiece wouldn't be impossible. He might suffer some damage, but he could take it since he wasn't using his temporary body was replaceable, anyway.

[But the fact that Ruston Stroganoff easily knocked Calyx down is a problem.]

Would the royal princess pretending to be the Crown Prince capable of taking down the Masterpiece, too?

"Callisto de Luca, should I help you get rid of Ruston Stroganoff?"

He raised an eyebrow when a "child" who looked like he was around eight years old appeared in front of him as soon as he stepped out of the mansion. If he didn't know any better, he'd think it was just a lost noble child.
