
Jungkook I'm....

*a year later

Jungkook was at work. Y/n took a day off as she felt a bit uneasy. She went to see the doctor as she thought she might be pregnant as her periods stopped and she had vomitted atleast twice.

She consulted with the doctor.

"Congratulations Mrs. Jeon. You're gonna become a mother." The doctor said.

"Re-really?" She was shocked to hear.

"Yes Mrs. Jeon. Visit the hospital for monthly check up." She said and left.

She went home and took a pregnancy test and yes it was positive. She was really happy. She didn't tell anyone anything yet. She wanted Jungkook to know it first.

So, she his her happiness for a day.

Jungkook arrived home.

"Honey, are you feeling alright now?" He asked worried.

"Ne." She said happily.

"You look a lot happier than the morning."

"It's cause I missed you so much." She said and hugged him. They stood like that for sometime and Jungkook went to take a shower.

Y/n made dinner and was waiting on the couch for him to come. Soon he came, only wearing pants.

Y/n was blushing but she bent down for him not to see. But he was too quick to notice it.

He went behind her and hugged her.

"Someone's blushing." He said.

"Stop." She said and he spun her around, so he could face her.

"I missed you a lot at work today." He said, tugging her hair behing her ear.

"It feels so good to be home, with you." He said and kissed her.

'I wonder how you'll react tomorrow for my big surprise.' y/n thought.

"what are you thinking?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just thought how it was to be home alone, without my piece of kookie." She said. He felt shy hearing her say it.

"Now who's blushing?" She asked. And they both smiled.

They both had dinner and sat on the couch. Y/n sat on his lap, while Jungkook's arms were wrapped around her.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She said and kissed him.

They both slept.

*next day

"Kookie, I don't think I can make it today." Y/n said in a tired tone as she woke up.

"Babe, are you alright? Do you want me to stay home?" He asked.

Y/n had planned on something so didn't want Jungkook to be home. She kept it cool and normal.

"Babe, I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"If anything, call me. Take care." He kissed her forehead and left to work.

As soon as she heard Jungkook leave, she was back to normal with more excitement.

She planned on doing a treasure hunt, for Jungkook to know about it.

She wrote them in sticky notes and placed it in each place.

It was almost afternoon, to finish everything.

She kept the pregnancy test in a place and looked around.

"Everything's perfect. Just one more thing to do." She said and took her phone out and called Jungkook.

"Hello, kookie?" She said in a tired tone.

"Honey, What happened? Are you alright?" He asked worried.

"Kookie, I'm feeling a bit weird. Can you please come home?" She asked.

"I'm on my way." He said and the call ended.

Within minutes Jungkook was home.

He stood in front of the door but was surprised to see a note on the door.

"It's been a long day, so come in dear. And head to the place where things are cold." Jungkook read out.

"What?" He didn't understand. He went in and called Y/n but no response. He then looked at the note and did as it said.

"A cold place. The fridge." He said and went there. Over there he found another note.

"You might wanna change out of your work attire. So go find your pants, if's that's what you desire."

"The room." He said and went in. He saw a shirt and a pant on the bed. He took it and another note fell from it.

He changed his dress and read the note.

"If you need the restroom, now is your chance. Go ahead and wash yourself."

He went to the washroom and found a note on the mirror.

"Head to the bedroom where we sleep tight." He went to the bed and looked. He found a note on the lamp post.

"A place where food is heated."

"The oven." He went there and found a note inside.

"A place where we walk."

"A place where we walk?" He asked himself. He looked around.

"The stairs." he said and found another note by the railings.

"Your hunt is almost over. Now, go to the place where we see the beautiful sunrise."

He ran up to the terrace.

He stood by the entrance and was breathing heavy. He saw a small box and went near it.

He was puzzled. He didn't know what it was.

He opened it and saw few papers in. he took it all out and found a pregnancy test, which said positive.

He was shocked. His eyes were wide open. He turned and saw Y/n standing.

He kept the test down. Happy tears flowing in his eyes.

"Y/n. R-really?!" He asked, still shocked. She nodded her head.

He walked towards her and held her hands in his.

"Kookie, you're gonna be a father." She said.

"Say it again."

"You're gonna be a father." she said. He was so happy, that he carried her and turned around.

He put her down and kissed her numerous times. He was really happy, that he didn't know how it express it all. He hugged her tight.

"You're gonna be the best mother ever." He said and kissed her on her lips. A deep and meaningful kiss.

"So are you." She said.

He carried her in bridal style and Y/n was surprised.

He lay her down on the bed softly and sat beside her. She rested her back on Jungkook.

Y/n took Jungkook's hand and placed it on her belly. He rubbed her belly and kissed her shoulder.

"Have you told the others?" He asked.

"No. You are the first. I have to tell them yet." She said. Y/n was fiddling with Jungkook's hand. Tears flowed.

He noticed it and asked her.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked worried.

"Nothing." She said.

"Babe, tell me." He said.

"I don't know. I'm-I'm just.... I don't know. I'm a bit nervous." She said.

"Babe." He said and looked at her, cupping her cheeks.

"Whatever it is, we can get through this together. Ok. I'm always by your side. Don't worry." He said and kissed her passionately.

'I'm lucky to have you as my husband.' she said to herself and held his hand and lay on his chest.

"I love you so much." She said.

"So do I." He said and kissed her hands.

"I'm sorry I called you in middle of work." Jungkook rested on Y/n's shoulder.

"And in return I got something big. Don't apologise."

They spent hours sitting and cuddling each other.

*next day

Jungkook was Y/n were on their way to a coffee shop to meet Taehyung and Jenny.

They reached there and saw them seated inside.

They accompanied them and started ordering what they wanted.

They finished eating and left out.

"Why did you call us?" Tae asked.

"We have something to give you both." She said and handed a box to him.

He opened it and they both peeped in the box.

Taehyung was shocked and was in tears seeing it.

"Y/n." he said and hugged her. He kissed her forehead. He was really happy.

"Congratulations Y/n and Jungkook." Jenny said and hugged them both.

"When?" He asked.

"Two days back. Sorry I didn't tell." She said.

He hugged her and caressed her hair.

"I'm really happy for you. You both are gonna be great parents."

They all went to the dorm and told the guys. They were even more happy than anyone else.

"Wah. Jungkook was the kid in here. But now he is gonna become a responsible person in his life. He is gonna be a father." Hoseok said.

"Hyung, I'm still the same person of the group." He said and they all hugged him and Y/n.

*10 years later

Y/n gave birth to a boy child. He was 6 years old.

Y/n worked from home while Jungkook worked at the office. The manager accepted for Y/n working from home as he understood it.

She had to look after the house and get Jung-ho (their son) from school also.

Y/n was about to leave to get Jung-ho from school, but she heard the car horn.

It was Jungkook. He had already picked up Jung-ho from school.

"Mommy, daddy said he'll pick me up from school everyday. So you don't need to worry." He said and went to get changed.

Y/n looked at Jungkook.

"What is this?"

"What is what?"

"You have a lot of work. And you go and pick him up from school."

"Baby, I can manage. I didn't want to over-work yourself, so I got him from school today. And I will pick him up from today, so you could also rest."

"That's so sweet. But....."

"No buts. I want you also to be healthy. So, I will pick him up." He said and pecked her.

"Never gonna let me, are ya'?" She asked.

"Nope." He said.

To be continued.....
