
Pain transformed into insanity

When Xuxu returned to Xianggu he had a strange air about him and sought to seek Chu Changying immediately.

She had been chasing after her second-born son who was frustratingly good at playing hide-and-seek. The days of peace have almost made her forget all the hardships they had endured all those years ago but Chu Changying liked to think that she did not take the peace for granted. In her heart, she knew that evil lied in wait.

But she hadn't expected for her aid to be called when a young man arrived at her door. She stared at him, and recognized him immediately, inviting the youth in to have some tea.

But Xuxu stood there stiffly and asked, "Do you remember me?"

Chu Changying did not know what he was talking about. If she didn't recognize him, why would she invite him inside to have a meal? Feeling confused, she tilted her head, "Of course, I remember you Xuxu. Are you coming in or not?"
