
Chapter 10

"So have you decided which profession you would like to try out?" Uncle Olaf asked Alvar while they were on their way towards the great hall.

"Not really but if I take into account the advise from the raven then it should be something more physically active. When I was little I always fantasized about becoming an elementalist and throw around fire and lightning. Today I'm not so sure anymore." Alvar replied while watching the early bustling of the people of Hoelbrak all around them.

"You still are little though so your worldview shouldn't have changed all that much" Uncle Olaf replied with a smirk at the lad at his side that glared up at his uncle in return.

"Though I can't fault you for your decision. When I was younger I dreamed of becoming a warrior and charge into battle as a hero. Today I know that such a profession is not something for everyone. You need a strong heart and body to be able to survive on the battlefield. I know what I'm talking about, I've been on one before. Though being an archer and fighting in close combat are two entirely different things." His uncle replied to which Alvar hummed in reply, not really sure what his uncle was talking about.

Soon the two reached the open doors of the great hall where they spotted the other children each having a guardian or family member besides them that may advise them on the choices before them.

Walking over to the group Alvar was greeted by his friends Veli and Gerdi who were seemingly bouncing on the spot in excitement to which he couldn't help but smile.

Not long after he had joined the group of children another group stepped into the great hall consisting of men and women, each wearing the clothes most often worn by their profession, possibly to give the children an impression of what they would be required to wear at minimum.

Leading the group was the Havroune that had lead the group of children to the cave of the raven the night before and was now standing before them once again.

"Good morning everyone. I will be overseeing the procedure and give you some information about the different professions before we begin. If you have any questions go ahead and ask as it is important for you to make your decision wisely." The Havroune spoke to which some of the children nodded while others remained silent and only seemed eager to get started already.

"The nine professions you see before you can be and often are separated into three sub-divisions so to say. First there is the frontline division consisting of the professions that focus mostly on some kind of warfare. Be it the guarding of the mists, fighting the sons of Jormag or other creatures or simply keeping the order in our territory.

Next we have the second division. The second division focuses mostly on gathering intel or resources. They build weapons, hunt, spy or infiltrate our enemies.

Lastly there is the third division. This division is the most diversified division as some people may say. It puts a heavy focus on knowledge and its applications, communing and researching the mists, build through influencing the environment, leading and advising our people in times of need and even go to war. Though the last point depends heavily on the profession and the experience the individual has in said profession.

Before you begin asking each professions representative will introduce themselves and tell you a little bit about what you will learn under them. Afterwards you are free to ask. Please, step forwards." The Havroune spoke in a calm and collected voice giving a general overview that most of the children had probably already put together on their own or with their families. After he was done he motioned for the first representative of the first division to step forwards which said man did without preamble.
