
Chapter 6

Darkness was all around them. Shadows teasing and embracing the trees that towered over their small group while the children lead by the old Havroune marched down into the vale at the foot of Hoelbrak, the sounds of the adults who had begun talking, eating and celebrating having long faded into the distance as the trees and shrubs served as a natural wall that kept all familiar sounds away from the children, apart from the natural ones that originated from the wildlife that was flourishing in the night.

Alvar didn't fear the dark as he had grown accustomed to its presence while he was out in the wilderness with his uncle Olaf. No. Though he was wary of the things the darkness could hide from his eyes as the wild boar had made him acutely aware of. The night could be your best friend or your worst enemy.

As the small procession walked further into the forest trees and shrubs gave way to rocks and small rivers until the group reached a small cavern. Alvar wondered if that was their destination and it seemed he was proven right as the Havroune walked over to its entrance and turned around to face them at its doorstep.

"This is one of the caves that are dedicated as shrines to the sacred spirits. This one in particular more then others of its kind to the raven patron spirit. Inside those caves that you'll find all over the Shiverpeak mountain range the connection to the mists, where our spirit patrons and ancestors dwell, is especially strong. Of course caves such as these aren't the only strong chokepoints where it is possible for those trained to do so to commune with those that dwell in the mists.

Your task is to take a sip out of this flask. It contains a fluid that will enable you to call upon the spirit of the raven and receive his advise. Once you have consumed the fluid you will venture into the cave and do exactly that. Though beware! The fluid does not directly call upon the raven. Only you yourselves can do so. What the fluid does is elevate your mind onto the level that it is able to perceive the mists for a short period of time. The danger lies within the mists though. So listen carefully and heed my words. Do not venture lightly into the mists, no matter what you may see or hear! Many have done so and not returned." The Havroune spoke to the children with a grim expression on his face that sent a small shiver down Alvar's spine.

"But how are we supposed to do that? Can't you instead come with us?" A young girl asked the old Havroune who turned his eyes towards her and lightly shook his head in response.

"No, I cannot. Of course we will not force you to undertake this task but if you want to step onto the path of the adults then you will have no other choice because that is what it means to be an adult before everything else. Taking responsibility for yourselves! Now, if you choose to venture inside step forward and drink." The Havroune said, seemingly unwilling to speak any further on the matter.

Taking a deep breath Alvar straightened his back and stepped out of the group of children which earned him uncertain looks from some of the children that seemingly had not yet made a decision for themselves but Alvar did not care for them at the moment. His mind was firmly made up, he would find out for himself which path was destined for him to be taken!

Without giving a comment to Alvar stepping forwards the Havroune stretched out his arm with the flask in his hand which Alvar took from him and lifted the flask to his mouth. Without hesitation he took a deep gulp of the fluid, which had a strangely earthen taste to it, and swallowed it in one go, feeling the liquid run down his throat as he did so. Afterwards he handed the flask back to the Havroune and, with firm steps, walked past the old man who now returned his eyes back onto the children while Alvar stepped foot into the pitch black cavern in front of him, being swallowed completely from sight soon afterwards.

Once Alvar was inside his mind began to blurr a little as the fluid took hold. Due to the darkness his eyes were useless to him, his smell just as well while the only things he could rely upon were his hearing and his sense of touch. Stumbling through the darkness Alvar kept on walking while his mind became more and more foggy until as if stepping through some sort of veil made of satin Alvar was greeted by a soft blue light that began to shimmer all around him, framing and showing him where he was exactly.

He seemed to be in some kind of hall but he could not make out any details about it. Thus he kept on walking while his mind became clearer by the second until it returned to its original state.

'Are these the mists? I thought it would look differently…' Alvar thought to himself.

"No child, these are not the mists. Only an entrance of sorts, guarded by me and my kind." A chipper voice spoke directly into Alvars mind, startling him a lot.

'Woah! You can hear my thoughts? How? And who are you?' Alvar asked while swivelling around his head to find the one he was speaking to.

"Yes and no, young one. In the mists thoughts and words spoken by your mouth are one and the same, at least for an untrained mind. Thus I am able to hear your thoughts. As to who I am, I am the patron spirit of the raven." The voice said as an ethereal statue of a raven became visible a few steps away from Alvars position who promptly walked over to the statue, mustering it from top to bottom curiously.

'It is an honor to finally meet one of the spirits! Though I do not understand what you mean by 'only an entrance'. The Havroune said we would be venturing out into the mists.' Alvar asked with a bit of confusion. Was he not supposed to travel and find the raven in the mists?

"Likewise, child and I meant exactly what I said by entrance. The Havroune's words were nothing but a small test to see if you are willing to take on the challenges a young adult will have to undertake. You did not truly think we would send children into the mists, did you? Hehehe" The statue spoke into the darkness while chuckling a little at its own words causing Alvar's ears to redden slightly at his own naivety. Of course they wouldn't.

'Err, so what is this test that I need to undertake?' Alvar said, trying to change the topic away from his naivety.

"You will have to answer a few of my questions. At the end we will see which profession suits you the most. Do you agree to beginning the test?" the statue said and Alvar agreed without hesitation, thus beginning the test.
