
Tricky footage, unaffected Mia...

"Ohh my Godd!! Look at you, all beautiful as always." A woman of same age came into the scene faking a gasp. Only Lhea knew how fake she was. She wasn't in mood to face these two right now. So the woman tried to excuse herself by saying. "I'll get a drink." She tried to move but the man kept his surface strong. Not letting her go any further. 

"What are you doing?? Let her goo." The other woman spoke trying to pull his arm back. There was a glint in her eyes, trying to warn the man. No matter how bad she tried the man didn't budge. Lhea gave the best of her smile to the man and woman. "If you don't move, I'll have to use my strength and by strength you really know how capable I am." She spoke. 
