
Survival from Zombies in Beomgye Station (2)

"Well, I thought you could find out the information fast because you're an analyst, but my junior picked it up more quickly than you."

At that moment, Hanho, who, standing behind Sungwoo, was absorbed in checking his smartphone, raised his head. Hanho was addicted to checking all the information available in the community.


Minhum made a blank expression, knowing his work for Sungwoo was good for nothing.

Hanho said, "Sungwoo, I've got a message from Taesung. Fortunately, the village is safe. But I told him to defend the Safety Zone well all times and never go outside."

While Sungwoo was talking with Minhum, Hanho kept in touch with the village in Suwon through the community bulletin. He conveyed the message that they had to activate the Safety Zone and stay inside it because the Evolution Society might attack it.

'And I have to go to Beomgye Station.'
