
Yoruichi Vs. Ren

Yoruichi started getting serious. In the game of cat and mouse, she is the cat and Ren's the mouse. Yoruichi, although rusty, she still had the basics down such as tracking. Unfortunately for her, Ren didn't leave any tracks at all.

She started blending with the surroundings and started hopping from tree to tree to travk down any tracks that Ren unconsciously left. When she landed on the fifth branch, the branch suddenly broke and Yoruichi fell down but she didn't panic and positioned herself perfectly to land but the moment she landed, she felt the soft ground and used the first bounce of her fall to jump out of the way. The ground suddenly fell down and Yoruichi saw the spikes on that hole.

She thought she was safe but suddenly collided with a vine and a huge log started heading her way which she dodged as she crouched down and immediately jumped away to regain some distance.

Yoruichi sighed as she praised Ren's ability to make traps that almost got her. She was about to restart her hunt when she felt a cold blade in her neck which shocked the absolute hell out of Yoruichi.

"Since when?" Yoruichi asked with a smile. Although she had a smile on her face, she was shocked about what just happened.

"I've been here all the time. Those traps are just made to lure you here. When I felt that you let your guard down after getting out of that pinch, I acted. I kept on blending with environment and didn't show any motives until I had my blade under your neck." Ren said which made Yoruichi understand that whatever she do, she won't be able to counter attack in that split second.

An experienced or veteran assassin would be able to tell where an enemy is, even if their eyes are closed with the help of intent. Every move that a person makes has a certain intent with them, intent to reposition, intent to wait it out, and most importantly, the intent to kill/attack.

But Ren didn't conform to any of that. Yoruichi didn't sense any intent when Ren attacked until the very last moment. It shows how terrifying Ren's assassination skills are. He could kill a person without showing his intent to kill at the first moment and would only manifest at the last moment. Unless you've got a crazy godlike reaction speed, then Ren will kill you 100% every time.

Yoruichi then raised her hand in submission but asked Ren a question.

"You win, but what is faster, me or you killing me?" Yoruichi asked Ren which confused him.

"I already got you, why are you asking me who is faster between my slash and you?" Ren said.

"Indeed, in a human to human confrontation, you're at the top, but I'm not a normal person." Yoruichi said with a smirk.

"What are you saying? You're literally cornered." Ren said.

"Then let's see which is faster, you or me." Ren narrowed his eyes and is breaking down what Yoruichi is thinking.

The moment Yoruichi struggled, Ren immediately slashed her neck unconsciously but was shocked that Yoruichi is gone.

Yoruichi's hand suddenly appeared in the side of Ren's neck which means that Ren is now the one that's cornered.

"What was that? You were in my grasp and suddenly you were in my back." Ren asked in confusion.

"A simple technique of mine called Shunpo." Yoruichi removed her hand on Ren's neck and Ren started rubbing his neck.

"Shunpo?" Ren asked. Although his speed is considered in the top in human terms, what Yoruichi showed him is on a whole another level.

"Yeah. It is a movement technique branched out from Hohō, a defensive fighting style that focuses on footwork. Shunpo is movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eyes can see. It is best described as moving from Point A to B in the least amounts of steps. Just so you know people called me the Flash Goddess." Yoruichi said. She had a smug smile as she raised her chest in pride just to rub salt on Ren's wounds but Ren just chuckled.

"Hehe, looks like I'm not the only one with a trump card." Ren said which confused Yoruichi.

Ren then raised his two hands and waited. He was waiting and hearing for something. Seeing this, Yoruichi went on guard on what Ren is trying to do.

Seeing the chance has come, Ren suddenly heard the disruption and clapped his hands causing Yoruichi to be disoriented as her vision started blacking out. Before Yoruichi had a chance to come to herself, Ren immediately rushed towards her like a snake attacking and caught her before placing the blade on Yoruichi's neck once again.

When Yoruichi opened her eyes, she saw Ren holding her with his left hand and his other hand has a blade pointing at her neck.

Yoruichi sighed and admitted defeat once more. What Ren just did is a new thing to Yoruichi. Successfully disabling your opponent without touching them is the best technique for an assassin. Getting close to their target is not a problem as their speed is their forte.

"I see, you look like you're having fun." Yoruichi said to Ren who followed Yoruichi's line of sight and saw that his left hand that is wrapped around Yoruichi's back is holding on to her breast.

Ren's demeanor immediately changed as he reddened in embarrassment.

"T-that is not intentional, okay?" Ren said to defend himself.

"Its fine~ so how is it? Are you still denying you don't like chest?" Yoruichi said which made Ren's mouth twitch.

"I'm not into woman's chest." Ren said directly shutting down the notion.

"Oh, do you like it soft? How about the size? Do you like it big and round? or something that would fit in your hand?" Yoruichi asked Ren who ignored her by putting his hands to cover his ears.

"Lalalalalala, I'm not hearing what you're saying~" Ren started distracting himself from Yoruichi's perverted questions.

Yoruichi chuckled after seeing Ren's antics. She was surprised on how fast Ren could change personalities. Suddenly he's the cold-blooded assassin Ren, then suddenly he would change into the happy-go-lucky Ren.

"That was a good technique, the one you did at the end." Yoruichi said as she praised Ren.

"Its nothing special really, it's just an advanced usage of Stun Clap. It just involves the understanding that everyone's consciousness has wavelengths. When the opponent's wavelengths reach its highest frequency, you would perform the Stun Clap, resulting to a perfect immobilization." Ren said and Yoruichi is surprised about it.

Although she too could hear people's wavelengths, knowing the exact timing to attack the peak frequency is impossible for her. Ren could be considered someone who could kill someone, he wanted to as long as the situation favors him.

"Although, I have the Stun Clap, its still not good enough. I need other ways to immobilize my opponents. Unfortunately, alchemy is such a bad fi-" Ren paused. He thought that Alchemy is a bad fit with assassination... he never really thought about it deeply but the Reaper's legacy didn't only include his skills, it also involves the tools. He could make a freaking flashbang as long as he has the materials. Although he couldn't use alchemy in assassinating enemies, he could make tools, and traps, with alchemy as long as he had the necessary materials.

Creating a pithole trap with a tripwire attached to grenades would be a deadly trap, attaching a flashbang to a wall and putting a thin tripwire into the other side of the wall, would create a trap that would blind enemies, Hell, he could even create guns like a sniper. There's so many options and Ren had a smirk on his face.

"I take back what I said. Alchemy might just be my bread and butter alongside assassination skills." Ren said making Yoruichi slightly shiver from Ren's smile.

'No matter what Ren realized, i'm sure that whoever crossed his path in the future won't have a good time.' Yoruichi thought to herself.

"Looks like you've integrated everything?" Yoruichi said and Ren thought about it and had suddenly made a shocked face.

'The poison in my body!' Ren suddenly rushed and grabbed a tree leaf and saw that the poison didn't affect the tree leaf at all.

"It's gone!" Ren shouted making Yoruichi curious.

"What's gone?" She asked.

"The poison, its gone! Look!" Ren had a silly smile on his face as he showed the leaf to Yoruichi.

But his smile faded when he saw the leaf withered once again in his grasp. His demeanor changed once more as he calmed down and asked himself.

'What happened? Did I just unconsciously stopped the poison from emitting when I fought Yoruichi? Or my mind was somewhat of a trigger to turn the poison on or off.' Ren thought.

Ren then started doing his best to focus and concentrate on turning off the poison. He then picked up a tree leaf once more and for three seconds, nothing happened to the leaf until it withered once more in Ren's hand.

"Looks like it, my mind is the switch to turn this off. When I became conscious of the fact that the poison is gone, it suddenly appeared." Ren said as he remembered that nothing happened to Yoruichi and to the rabbits that he caught even after he touched them.

"A trigger is it?" Yoruichi said.

"Yes, it might take a while for me to adjust on turning this poison on and off, but at least there's a way to shut this thing off." Ren said with a little smile on his face.

At first he was devastated of the fact that he became a poison man but if he can switch it on or off whenever he wants, then he has another weapon he could use in his arsenal.
