
Morning Sickness

"HONEY, are you okay?"

"No," Tilly said honestly while she was on the floor. She just threw up even though she hadn't eaten yet. This morning, she woke up with an upset stomach. Then, she remembered that she was already in her sixth week of pregnancy. "But don't worry, hon. This is just morning sickness. Pregnant women during this time usually go through this."

"We should find a doctor for you, Tilly," Kiho said worriedly. He was kneeling beside her, still holding her hair. While she was throwing up a while ago, he stayed beside her and held her hair so it wouldn't touch the toilet bowl. "Can we not trust your family doctor?"

She shook her head. Then, she stood up. Of course, her husband assisted her. He also helped her wash her face and mouth. After she was cleaned up, he carried her back to their room.

Kiho gently laid her on the bed and sat beside her.
