
This Hero Prepares For The Duel!

The emperor let out an elongated sigh and moved his right hand slightly. This gesture must have been to the invisible guards that had been inside of the throne room as they immediately converged upon me. I sensed no malicious intent other than seizing me, so I did not put up resistance.

"You know I can see you guys, right?" Tael groaned while he was pulled back. "It's a passive ability!"

"Hey! Why are you dragging US around? Isn't this Onii-san's duel? Why are we being messed with?" Kany grimaced, though willfully followed along with the guards grasps.

Erana remained silent while she watched me. She made no sudden movements and as such was not grabbed onto by any of the guards. This may have simply been their instincts telling them not to lay a hand on her, however, as I am certain that she could throw all of them off at once without much effort.
