
Chapter 498: Puppets & Looking for a guide

While the strength and power he possessed with his disciple army, and the ladies weren't low, and they had terrific potential, he needed to boost their power in the short run.

From now on, he wouldn't be dealing only with Soul Formation Powerhouses and below, no he would be facing cultivators even more terrifying than that.

For that reason, he needed something that could fight against them, push them back, or even just block them in a fight.

These 13 corpses were the guys that had been beside him when Heaven's Rage hit, or those guys' properties that he had been able to rescue them with their cultivations intact.

As a matter of fact, 5 of them were the cultivators from Earth, and the 8 others were the puppets of the 5 Soul Land experts.

Apparently, 3 of the experts from Soul Land, had more than one puppet on Boundary Ascension Realm and above.
