
Chapter 468: Tianlong Yun is dead!?

In the meantime, outside of Tianlong Yun's conscience sea, and his cultivation room, a weird scene was taking place.

Everything inside the Old Pouch was weird in fact, as the light seemed to fade in a short time after they set up the Soul Severing formation.

It felt like someone had turned off the lights all over the place, but besides that everything else was the same.

Well, almost the same because there was something that they couldn't describe as if their connection to their Patriarch was gone.

Normally there was some kind of pressure weighing down on them all the time they were inside the Old Pouch, and that pressure was even higher when Tianlong Yun was inside the Old Pouch too.

It was like the Old Pouch was revering its lord, and making everyone else do the same too by pressuring them.

But suddenly that pressure seemed to have disappeared at that moment, it seemed like the Lord had left the castle.
