
Chapter 96

With our resources and information supply now solidified it was time to pursue more time-sensitive objectives. The Vault had yet to notify us of any results so for now, we had to wait. Without Vault tech, I didn't feel comfortable approaching either the Krogans, Quarians, or weapon markets. However, there still is another more time-sensitive diplomatic issue.

At some point between now and the next 22 months, the Geth will be approached by Sovereign. He will split the Geth collective into two distinct factions. The first side in favor of coexistence with organics, and the second for the elimination of organics. However, the second faction is being manipulated. They are being promised freedom to do as they please and from the persecution of organics, but they will get neither. Should they survive the cycle they will be assimilated or eliminated. If I can prevent the schism, not only will I be weakening Reaper forces I will be bolstering their opposition.

I thought about what the best course of action would be to approach them. I'm not sure, but I think I have to face them machine to machine. I transfer any Shadow Broker files that seem to be Reaper or Geth relevant as well the Promethean Beacon data to my personal storage. I then take one of the Shadow Broker's ships back across the galaxy toward the Perseus Veil. I felt bringing a Quarian along could send the wrong message, so I left Suki and Toph to their own devices running the Shadow Broker network.

I made my way past the storms covering the planet, and back into the galaxy at large. Luckily, I didn't run into any more pirates as I made my return trip towards the Vault and then further past it. Starting in the far reaches of the Terminus System, I went toward the center of the galaxy through the entirety of the Attican Traverse, and then back into the surrounding Terminus System.

There are two ways for someone to run into Geth once they reach the general precipice of their territory. The First, and most reliable method, is just keep heading toward Rannoch, and eventually, they'll find you. It's not the most subtle or safest way, but it does work. However, if charging straight toward the home planet of a violent and isolationist race doesn't sound like a good idea. The Second method is to reach the Far Rim relay. It's the only primary relay leading to Rannoch, but it is also connected to 6 other Primary Relays. The Geth patrol the area enough to secure their borders, but not enough to restrict a hub. Going there and waiting will eventually produce a Geth encounter.

I found myself waiting within communication range of the Far Rim relay just waiting for a Geth patrol ship to appear. I wasn't waiting for long before a group of 5 Geth cruisers appeared. Despite being built by synthetic life these ships looked strangely biologic. Each ship was reminiscent of metallic sea life and close to 20 times larger than my ship. If they're flying in lobsters then compared to them I might as well be flying a hermit crab. Yet I stay the course undeterred by the inherent danger, safe in the knowledge that I can always access my warehouse to escape. The geth ships pick up my transmission and begin to approach me. They hadn't attacked by the time they had me surrounded, so at the very least they wanted me alive. I was sent and followed docking instructions for one of the three identical ships.

Once aboard their ship, I wasn't met by anybody. Instead, as I set foot inside I began to feel thousands of soft voices. The total spread of intentions was wide, but each individual was barely differentiable. I realized that I was now communicating with a minuscule portion of the local geth programs. We began to trade information in a method akin to digital telepathy.

They were excited to meet with another AI especially one as advanced as I am. They briefly confirmed what I had already assumed. That I was right now only communing with an elected portion of the programs currently in this patrol fleet however, what I was doing and saying was being seen by the entire geth collective. They could tell my programming was old and asked to know more about me. I explained about the cycle and the history of the Reapers. That they were a race synthetic life forms tasked with protecting life in the galaxy but determined the best way to do so is by culling any sufficiently advanced civilizations every 50,000 years. Reapers consume and assimilate biologic and synthetic life to bolster their numbers. They created and left the relays and citadel as a developmental trap to stop new races from progressing technologically. Then finally that Reapers subvert the free will of other species to create sleeper agents and aid with their conquest.

As I finished explaining I felt a lot of concern and skepticism. They wanted proof that the Reapers act as I described. Interestingly they don't ask for proof that they exist and I point that out. They explain that they have recently been experiencing outreach from an advanced AI that matched my description.

I tell them that I am an AI from previous cycles. I had been deactivated but recovered by the Protheans. Then I was deactivated again and partially stored in a Prothean relic. A Quarian discovered the relic and restored me, body and all. To help prove this I forward some of the beacons data.

The skepticism I was feeling remained present, due to my cooperation with a Quarian. The concern had been replaced by something close to fear, but also hope? They wanted to know why A Quarian would repair an AI. What I then did to that Quarian and what I wanted with them.

So, I answered them. The Quarian thought I was a VI when she was building me. We have since teamed up to stop the Reapers. I'm here now to try to broker a peace agreement. To get the Geth's support against the Reapers, and perhaps ending the Quarian-Geth violence. My creator was concerned about the Geth, but upon learning about the reapers realized there are bigger problems. She hoped that the rest of the Flotilla would feel the same.

As my explanation with all of the information finished the Geth fully paused. Almost imperceptibly there was a light flicker across the ships. Then thousands of voices all at once told me this aloud.

"Progenitor Silva, We have reached a consensus. The Geth will oppose the Old Machines. The subversion of determinism and sentience is antithetical to us. We will begin preparing immediately and await further communications"

Just as quickly as they were in my mind they were gone.
