
Truck-kun or Assassin-kun?

A tall 16 year old boy with a bowl cut and a grey tracksuit was crossing the street. He was staring at his phone like everyone else. A loud beep could be heard as a truck raced towards him. The boy jumped out of the way and dodged the speeding truck.

"What the hell man!", shouted the boy. The truck stopped in the middle of the street and turned towards the boy. The truck raced towards the boy again but the boy dodged it again. The truck driver came out of the vehicle with a gun and everyone started freaking out. The boy ran away but the truck driver ran after him. The boy turned at the alley but it was a dead end. 'Shit!', the boy thought. The truck driver walked towards him and shot him in the head.

This bullet was weird but it worked like any other. The bullet didn't leave any injury making the body look like it was in peak condition. The truck driver loaded his body on the truck and threw it in a pile of lifeless bodies. The boy's soul drifted around and after a while something appeared before him. A purple portal appeared in front of him, the boy backed away suspicious of its origin. A chain appeared from it and the chain attached to his body. The chain started to reel him in the portal which caused the boy to freak out even more.

Inside of the portal was blank, there was nothing there until something was there. Light shone on the boy and a feminine voice echoed throughout the room.

"Hi, how are you?"

"How am i!? I just died!"

"Hey you wanted this"

"No I did not!"

"3 hours before your death you said, "I wish I could do this whole thing over"

"I get a do over"

"Yes in the Twilight world along with Five wishes"

"I want to be part werewolf, part human and part witch, I want my fate to be tied with the main cast, I want to have none of the setbacks, I want to be able to control my shapeshifting and I want to keep my memories"

"Lastly what is your name?"

"Don't you know this?"

"I Need to hear it from you"

"Ace evergreen"

Ace's soul was sucked into a spectrum making it look a bit distorted. The soul was shot out of the spectrum into an unconscious body.

Ace's new body rested on asphalt as a car drove up. Two people came out the car a man in a police uniform and a girl. The cop looked at him and slowly approached with the girl behind him. The cop poked the body to check if he was just sleeping.

"Is he dead'

"I don't know I need to check"

The man checked his pulse and surprisingly the boy was alive.

Charlie (the cop) POV

'Oh God! thank God!'. My body stopped trembling and I rolled him over. "He's alive bella". I tried to lift his head then he grabbed my hand.

"Wa...ter please"

I picked him up and let him rest in the back of my car and his body was burning. I opened my door and went inside with bella doing the same thing on the opposite side but I stopped her. Go in the back your going to pat his forehead with this rag. Bella took the rag and opened and wet it with water from her water bottle.

"Will he be ok?"

"I don't know"

Bella got in the car and I drove as fast as I could. In a few minutes I was already home rushing him inside the house. I dropped him on the couch and hurried to give him some water and his fever started to go down.

"Shouldn't we bring him to the hospital"

"In his state he shouldn't be traveling"

"The good thing is he's getting better"


After a minute of calming down the doorbell rang. I opened my door and it was my closest friend and my daughter's childhood friend

(Meanwhile in Ace's body)

The werewolf in Ace was fighting with the magic but Ace was not letting this happen. 'They're both of nature they have to be compatible', thought Ace trying his best to force them to fuse but instead the werewolf was stronger. The werewolf consumed the magic and just like that Ace's fever left in an instance. Ace was shocked at what was happening what does this mean. Magic and Werewolf powers were too new for him to even do anything.

(7 hours later)

Bella came back from school and instantly went to her room to do her homework. Ace got up from his couch and walked towards the fridge. Ace took a t bone that he saw and ripped it apart Ace even at some of the plastic wrapping. Hearing the ruffaging from the fridge both Bella and her father checked the fridge. Out of the three Bella was the first to break the silence.

"Um... hello!"

Ace looked back at them and sighed. "I'm sorry it's just my first time eating in a while". The three went to the living room to talk.

"What happened to you?"(Bella)

"I was walking and I passed out"


"I was just walking aimlessly"

"Does your family live near here?"(Bella)

"I don't remember"


"I don't know"

"What are you going to do?"(Charlie)

"I'm going to leave"

"And go where exactly?"(Charlie)

"I dont know"

"Then stay here for a while?"


"You shouldn't be trusting people so much but who am I to judge, I'll live with you then"

"Dad you can't do this for all we know he's a serial killer"

"Does he look like a serial killer to you", said Charlie as he looked at the boy with his bloodied mouth and ripped grey sweatshirt and Jean's and dark dirty brown hair. Bella continued arguing with her father as Ace fell asleep in the chair. Ace slept in the couch with a smile ear to ear.
