

~Izuku's POV~

I felt a strange feeling as if I had just bumped into someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I took a deep breath and continued packing up my things. I was walking out of the doors of UA with Touya, Shoto, and Ume when I felt it. A pull to somewhere. I dropped my bag and found myself sliding down. "Touya you t-t-take Shoto, a-and Ume home, t-t-t-there's s-somewhere I n-need t-to go!" I picked my bag back up after saying this and sprinted down the street unconsciously activating my speed quirk. I soon stopped in front of a graveyard. A graveyard I knew well.

It was the one I had spent most of the nights before I met Touya balling my eyes out in. I walked inside slowly and sub-consciously walked to my mother's grave. There was a figure sitting in front of the grave, didn't notice me apparently and pulled down his hood, there was an undercut, head of green hair, with turquoise and black streaks, He turned around slightly with his eyes closed.

Tears dripped quietly down my cheeks. "Ichiji...?" I called out quietly, His eyes flung open and he got into a stance where he could jump and attack at any second. Once he saw who I was, his green eyes widened. Tears fell down his face and he did jump up only to hug me.

I dropped my school bag once more and clung to him. "Izuku, my little brother, how are you so big already?" He pulled back tears streaming down his face even more. I smiled and wiped his tears. I leaned my forehead against his and hugged him again.

"Ichi, I- I though y-you w-were never c-coming back." Tears rolled down my face once more.

"Well I'm back now Izu," He told me gently rubbing my back. I sobbed into him even more.


What the boys didn't know was that there was a certain angel in heaven that was smiling and crying tears of joy as well.

I'm just going to add a little bit of Shameless Self Promotion, the project that has been taking up some (most) of my time is called the Chronicles of Lucious, also~! We (I) have made a schedule so I have a good idea when to write in each of my projects. So~! Stay tuned!


(P.S.~ Sorry for a short chapter, this is just a filler kinda.)

Zero_Kiriyucreators' thoughts