
The Huizhou-Shanghai Maglev

The next morning, we set off early at around 6 AM. The reason for this was that we didn't want to run into Dong Zhu and his lackeys again, which would lead to a repeat of the events we had just experienced, and I didn't really feel like dealing with that again. Sure, it was pretty easy for me to subdue them, but it was still work, and work was irritating.

We first dropped by a convenience store to pick up some quick breakfast for ourselves, then immediately headed for the high-speed rail station in Huizhou, via taxi. The drive took about half an hour, and once we were inside the station, I began searching for a maglev to Shanghai, The Magic Capital - our destination.

"Hm...okay, so there are two lines heading for Shanghai today..." I murmured as I stared at the large screen in front of me that showed all the maglevs that were going to be passing through this station today.

"Which one are we taking?" Feng Mian asked.
