
After effect of the Party.....

Cafe Frosty is the same as always,busy, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and delicious mouth watering pastries and sweet buns are filling the atmosphere. You can smell these sweet from far away attracting your taste buds to live up again. This is the only place where Ariena can feel free.

It's her sweet paradise, where she spend a lot of time to think by herself, to look at the people going in and out the cafe, to observe people outside rushing their way to accomplish their dreams. This place , Cafe Frosty, has seen her all emotions, up and down of her life, since her teen age. It's just like a second home to her....

Ariena dressed in baby pink striped shirt and black pencil skirt which ends just above her knees is sitting near the corner window seat , this is the best seat from where you can have a full view of cafe while enjoying the outside view. She is browsing her phone and enjoying her favourite, chocolate chip blueberry pastry with black coffee. Usually, she preferred drinking cappuccino but today she needs this tar looking drink to keep her awake.

Like all other times, all the headlines are speaking of the lovely couple, the most handsome and eligible businessman Andrew Johnston and his love towards his beautiful wife Ariena .The whole comments section of each posts are filled with comments mostly by his followers, directing their hatred and envy towards her to be able to stand beside him while holding his arms so lovingly as Mrs. Ariena Andrew Johnston.

The title of Mrs. Johnston not easy to hold ,for it she has been paying a lot of sacrifice each day. The most important thing she lost to this title is her peaceful and easygoing life, where she always have to be on her toes to keep check on her each and every action when she is in public.

'Aaahhh she hate these people. Are they so freaking free to monitor her life and also comments so heartlessly about her.' she shouted hard in her mind.

'Damn that ugly ducklings is really lucky to have my handsome God besides her..., Oh how I wish I can spend only one day with him....'

'How can she even come out with him, she doesn't suit him at all...He deserve someone like Miss. James, our Goddess is the best... .'

'She is fooling herself, by thinking that she can stand beside him with all dolled up in that super gorgeous and expensive gown .....dear Missy this is your clothes that attracts some attention of the others, but what will you do with the ordinary features of yours that's definitely not appealing to my eyes ...hmm...'

'Right she doesn't have a face neither she has the abilities ,what is she? She is just some rich Missy without brain.'

'Hey , little girl wake up soon from your dreams of fairyland and return the man to his rightful owner before it's too late.... just give up...'

Ariena shrugged her shoulder as she thought to herself with a smirk on her face, 'And who is the right owner ? You All? Dream on '. She takes a sip from her highly unlikely drink, black coffee, as her face crumbled due to the coffee bitterness as well as from the anger that had built up in her after reading these malicious comments from his admirer.

'So hateful.... They should look clearly she is not in scantiness, instead she's a beauty, a 'True Beauty', she pouted thinking to herself.

Smiling like a devil to herself for long time ,she keep herself busy with her phone. God knows what seems so amusing to her about these comments.

Occupied in browsing about the news related to the party on her phone, she is again pulled back to her train of thoughts, where there's her promising future and her dream man collides.

All of her problem will end soon ,as she will be getting her degrees in fashion designing in just less than one month. Her dream to own what was her in the first place was about to fulfill soon, to feel the warmth and presence of her mother again. Yes, she wants her mother company back.

She was the rightful owner of SofiaNa, the fashion and luxury brand. It was her mother dream and she always used to tell her that the company will belong to her in future ,because Sofia started this brand exclusively for her, Sofia's one and only dearest daughter... Ariena's, on first birthday as a gift to her.

But after Sofia death everything changed in Werben's household. Though from other perspective Diane was a lovely and responsible woman who never ever differentiate among the children but Ariena can feel the pressure as she start growing older. She has to follow her command and choose the course and line of direction according to Diane, just like Jen. No matter what how hard she try, situations and people around her wouldn't support her. Diane never bully her but at the same time she never allowed her to fly or dream on her own.

That's where Andrew came with a light of hope for her. He was willing to help her by opening a new designing line for her or buying SofiaNa for her as a compensation for what she did for him, but Ariena is quite clear on this matter she wants her mother's present back for herself by her own efforts..

After browsing through to almost all the posts and news and reading most of the hated comments, she stretched herself feeling fully awake after spending complete one hour in cafe. Now she is ready both mentally(to face the people) and physically (to face her tiredness.... coffee really works wonders).

With all set to move, she says her goodbye to Johnny,cafe owner, "Good-bye Johnny, see you tomorrow dear.".

"Bye sweetheart, good luck dear." he said with a wink ,his teasing tone made her groaned at him.

"Well thanks Johnny, I really need that blessings of yours..." she replied smiling and left the cafe.

Ariena had to fight a big battle in her college,all the prim rich Missies are waiting for her to show how much they hate her? How much they despise her? But that's what you have to face when you marry the Dream guy of billions of girls, the national husband.....

"How can the whole world despise her so much ,at least they should compliment her for her good look, she is not ugly .No. No.Not Fair...." she muttered softly to herself once again with a pout.

Apathetically, she threw all the thoughts out of her mind, she put a smile on her face and start walking toward her red and black Bugatti Veyron. She loves her car,who care about Andrew? Who wants to care about the mean talks? It's time for her and her luxury car to enjoy the ride to college, after getting in she winked at her reflection in rear view mirror and ignite the engine"Let's go..."

Thanks for giving it a try , hope it can meet your taste ?

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