
Chapter 366


"They're three days ahead of us." Ser Brynden Tully said as he fell on the chair, exhausted from a week of hard work.

"How did they manage to gain such a lead on us?" Lord Yohn Royce asked.

"Tywin is having them run like animals. Whipping anyone who so much as trails behind the line." Ser Brynden said "He won't be able to continue this pace for long. But they've already gained a substantial lead on us."

"The old lion is worried for his gold." Lord Yohn Royce said and rubbed his chin.

"Any news from Casterly Rock?" Ser Brynden asked.

He nodded "Lord Bolton left Casterly Rock two days ago. He expects to reach Golden tooth within 2 week and then plan to hold Tywin outside it's walls until we get there."

"You think he'll hold?" Lord Yohn Royce asked.

"The Tooth has high walls and a very defensible location." Ser Brynden said "It won't fall."

"It fell to Lord Bolton." Lord Yohn Royce pointed out.

"It did. Because the Bolton boy has Wyverns, Direwolves, Giants, Wargs, some of the best known swordsmen in the whole Westeros in his army and a very well trained army. The Lannisters only have a decently trained army. Tywin will not succeed."

There was a short silence in the tent.

The Lord Yohn opened his mouth to speak something but then stopped as the scream of an eagle rang outside their tent.

A moment later, a giant eagle flew inside and landed on the table in between them.

The eagle looked at him and raised one of it's leg forward. The one with the letter.

He had done this dozens of times before so he didn't hesitate and took the letter from it's talons.

The Eagle turned and flew away while he opened the letter and read through it. His eyes widening the more he read before his expression finally fell into the cold and unreadable mask that he was so famous for.

"Does Lord Bolton has any new information for us?" Lord Yohn Royce asked.

"What does it say?" Ser Brynden Tully asked.

He could feel that both of them were curious but he needed more time to digest the whole letter on his own.

So he decided to give out the second important news first.

"King Renly is dead." He said.



He rubbed his head, wondering if Lord Bolton was in his right mind when he wrote this "According to this letter…" he said "King Renly was in a feast with the Stormlords and the Reachmen when a shadow appeared and stabbed him in the back through his heart. He died instantly after that."

"What?" Lord Yohn Royce asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

"That… sounds like a badly written story." Ser Brynden Tully said with a nod.

"This also says that the shadow had a face resembling that of King Stannis who is now being called a Kinslayer for killing his own brother."

There was silence in the tent and he continued.

"According to the letter, only half of the Stormlords joined Stannis Baratheon. Most did so out of fear for their own lives. The other half didn't support him for the same reason. They feared him too much." He said "Lord Stannis apparently has a Red Priestess in with him who is from Asshai and is suspected to know Blood and Shadow Magic."

"What a mess." Lord Yohn Royce said "The Vale lords were ready to support the Baratheon brother that survived this. But assassinating with the help of Shadow magic… The Vale lords won't support him. Especially if he supports the Red God."

"A mess indeed." Ser Brynden said while looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze "But that's not all there is in that letter is there."

He nodded "Before I reveal the rest, I would like some time with my sons. Meanwhile, please go and gather the lords. We need to hold a grand meeting once again."

"As you wish Lord Stark." Lord Yohn Royce nodded and left.

Ser Brynden stared at him a moment longer before he got up from his chair "I'll send your sons and gather the Northern lords." He said and left as well.

For the next few minutes, there was silence in the tent and he used this time and go through the letter again and again.

He was angry at Lord Bolton for doing what he did and for forcing his hand like this.

But he couldn't change the fact that what was done was done. And if this plan of Lord Bolton worked then the Seven Kingdoms will be as stable as they could possibly get.

Then Jon and Robb entered the room and he pointed at the chairs in front of him where Lord Yohn and Ser Brynden had been sitting a few minutes ago.

"Sit." He said.

The boys noticed the seriousness in his gesture and sat down without saying another word.

He then thought about how he was going to explain the situation to them.

But when nothing came to mind he just passed the letter to them.

They both peered at the letter and started reading it together.

By the time they were done, Robb's expression looked stormy and he was clutching his hands tightly while Jon look pale and terrified.

���He…" Jon began but then stopped not knowing what else to say.

"He sold your secret to the Tyrells." Robb finished "That…"

"Necessary." He heard himself say and shocked by his words himself. Both the boys looked at him with shock as well but he had realized the truth by now.

Revealing the truth about Jon Snow was necessary. Because if he didn't then Jon himself would probably never step up to take the throne. And if he didn't then Stannis will become the King. And that would fracture the 7 Kingdoms.

Which was not something that they wanted to happen if they wanted to survive the Long Night.

"That… I…" Jon said "I'm not… I cannot become… the King… I don't even know anything about being a King."

He got up from his chair, walked up to Jon and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Those are things that you'll learn over time Jon. And you'll have plenty of people to support you." He said and Robb put a hand over Jon's shoulder as well.

Jon relaxed a little and he almost smiled at that.

Now he just had to tell the truth to the lords of the North and the Vale.

If everything went well, then they'll have an alliance of Four Kingdoms. North, Vale, Riverland and the Reach.

They could do this.
