
Chapter 333

She put the mirror back in her pocket and slapped the Shadow Wing's back a few times.

Shadow wing tilted it's head.

"LORD BOLTON TOLD US TO START!!!" she shouted. The whooshing of the air made it hard for them to communicate but it was nothing that good old shouting could not solve.

Shadow Wing titled it's head up and down in a nod and then turned toward the Castle in the distance.

It didn't even took them a minute before they were out of the forest.

She saw a large amount of red colored tents scattered around the river bank and knew what she had to do. And so did her husband

He took her to the center of the camp.

Some of the men guarding the camp saw the two Wyverns and started shouting but was already too late.

They reached the center of the Camp where the largest tents were located and Shadow wing tilted it's back.

And she slid the large barrel off it's back.

She watched in perfect silence as the barrel descended on top of those tents and then….


The sound and the size of the explosion made her heart stop for a moment. It engulfed a large area, covering the entire center area of the camp and then some.

A large plume of smoke rose from the ground and she knew that she had killed more men in that second than she and her husband had in their entire life.

The Wyvern flying behind her didn't think that it was enough and dropped it's barrel as well.


This explosion was larger and the wildfire splashed everywhere, burning men and tents alike.

Her throat went dry and she felt like puking.

She had killed men before but this…

The men started coming out of their tents and she could see the giants and the Bolton army coming out of the woods.

Shadow wing titled it's wings and turned around for another round over the Lannister camps.

She could hear the shouts and screams as some men tried to douse the fire while the others haphazardly tried to prepare for the army coming at them.

The giants smashed through their lines without any problem and the heavy infantry created a blockade around the Lannister camp.

The Crossbowmen took their position behind the man made blockade and started raining down bolts upon bolts on the Lannister men.

Shadow wing shook at bit and she was brought back to herself. The Wyvern turned it's head and gave her a look.

She looked back in confusion before she suddenly realized where she was.

And what her role was.

She looked at the large explosion at the center of the Lannister camp. Some of those men were still screaming in pain as wildfire ate them bit by bit.

She held the bile in her throat but nodded back at her husband.

She might not like this but she had a duty to perform.

Her hands reached inside the bottomless back and when it came out, she was holding a mud ball filled with wildfire.

She dropped it on the Lannister army below her.

It dropped on the ground and splashed before catching fire and burning everything around it.

Tears formed in her eyes. She took a few deep breaths before steeling her heart.

Then her hand reached inside the Bottomless bag once again and came out with two mud balls.

She promptly dropped them and reached for another.

She spent the next few minutes in autopilot. Taking out the balls that were filled with wildfire, aiming and then dropping them at the enemy.

She continued to do so until her shadow wing shook and brought her out of her thoughts.

She blinked a few times and looked at the Lannister camp properly.

Most of the tents had caught fire.

A lot of corpses were still burning in the middle of the fire.

A lot more corpses were lying around the giants in the impenetrable armor and the Heavy infantry.

A lot of corpses had bolts sticking out of them and a fair many of the Lannister soldiers had thrown their weapons and surrendered while the others had jumped into the river in a bid to escape.

She looked at the other battlefields.

The Lannister army in the Southern-East where Lord Bolton led the attack was in a rout. The Dothraki and the horse archers were chasing and picking off the escapees.

The Lannister army in the Southern-West still held but the few that remained were surrounded by the Bolton army and the Riverlanders who had sallied out of the castle. They fell in short order as well.

And that was that.

They had destroyed an army twice the size of their own and had won a great victory for themselves.

If that was truly the case then why did she felt so empty.

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