
Chapter 318

Two days later.

"Lord Bolton. You're here." Lord Howland Reed said as he welcomed him and his men to Moat Cailin.

The once dilapidated fortress had regained some of it's glory in the past year since Lord Stark gave the order to have it rebuilt.

It was still a far cry from it's original condition when all of it's 14 towers were functional, it's walls were in top condition and it's barracks filled with men. But it was getting there.

"I am Lord Howland." He said "You've done a fantastic job of restoring the castle."

"It's still a work in progress." Lord Howland said as he led him to the main keep while the men of house Reed showed the accommodations to his own men "And none of it would be possible without your resources."

He nodded and didn't say anything.

"If you're here… then does that mean that you succeeded in your expedition?" Lord Howland asked and he nodded.

"I did." He replied "We even captured a White Walker along with the wights."

"You did?" Lord Howland blinked in surprise, his jaw open dropping a little from the news.

"We did." He replied "I've put it in an deep underground prison. It won't be seeing the light of the day until I come back."

Lord Howland remained silent for a long moment and the nodded.

"I suppose after seeing the pack of direwolves, the group of giants and the Wyverns, I shouldn't really be surprised that you've accomplished such a thing."

He did not reply as Lord Howland led him inside a newly rebuilt tower and up the stairs into an office.

Ygritte entered with him while Varko and Baka remained outside.

"You must want to know about the Northern host?" Lord Howland asked.

He didn't. He already knew everything there was to know about it but there was no point in revealing that to Lord Howland.

"Some information on the situation would be appreciated."

"Well…" Lord Howland spoke "The Northern host passed by Moat Cailin a week ago. If you leave right now then you should be able to catch up to them by the end of the week."

After that, Lord Howland started telling him about the general overview of the war. But his knowledge was clearly outdated.

For instance, Lord Howland still thought that the Vale was neutral in the war when Lady Lysa called for the banners 3 days ago.

He also had no information on the Iron Islands and about the whereabouts of King Stannis who has put Storms End under siege for some time now.

All in all, he knew far more about the general situation of the war than Lord Howland did.

"I'm surprise Lord Stark didn't take you with him." He said "You're the only one who survived the journey to the Tower of Joy with him."

Lord Howland smiled in return "I did want to join the campaign but we men of the Neck have never been particularly impressive in an open battle field. So Lord Stark tasked us with Protecting the Neck and defending Moat Cailin."

He nodded "How many men do you have here in Moat Cailing?"

"300 men" Lord Howland replied "And 300 more outside, waiting to ambush any fool who tries to cross the Neck."

He nodded.

"I suppose that is more than enough men to guard against any small army trying to cross the Neck." He said and got up from his chair "Me and my men would spent the night in the Castle. I hope that won't be a problem?"

"After all the food and supplies you've donated to this campaign, I doubt anyone in the North would decline to give you hospitality." Lord Howland smiled.

They shook hands before they left his study and he showed him and his companions their rooms.

The rooms here were not as luxurious as the rooms in Dreadfort but they'd make do with what they had.

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