
Chapter 267

2 weeks later

Domeric sat on the ground and finished drawing the last runic array in the large runic matrix that was the size of half a football field and the largest ritual circle he had ever drawn.

He wiped the sweat from his brow and cast a few magical spells to make sure that the array was drawn perfectly. It won't do to make an amateur mistake now after he had come so far.

The result was positive. He rose from the ground and carefully stepped out of the circle, making sure to not disturb any of the runes.

"Is it finally done." Ygritte asked him from where she was outside the ritual circle and reading a book about the dragons.

Once he came out of the circle, he plopped down on the ground and groaned in discomfort.

"Yes. It is done. Though I'll have to double check it to make sure that nothing went wrong." If he found that he fucked up the ritual circle that took him a whole month to draw, then he would really lose it.

Ygritte put down the book and walked up to him before she sat down on his back.

Then she helped him remove the shirt he was wearing and started to massage his back.

"Ahh… That's it." He said in bliss and Ygritte pinched his back "Oww…"

She bent down to his ears, pressing her bosom to his back and whispered "The next time you want a girl to massage you. Bring someone else." She bit his ear and he flinched once again "I'm not your servant."

"Yeah. Sorry about that. But you are one of the three people who know about this place. And I would rather have you for company than either Varko and Baka. Not that there's anything wrong with them. But…"

"I get it." She said "And I'm not angry at you. Not really. I'm just…"


"Yeah. Sorry for taking out on you."

"It's okay." He said. He was starting to feel bad for brining her here. But it was either that or him spending the last 2 weeks all alone. And he was already bored enough from this monotonous task as it was.

They spend the next few minutes in blissful silence, with Ygritte massaging his back and him enjoying it.

Then Ygritte asked "It's finished then."


"When will you perform the ritual?" she asked.

"There's really no point in waiting." He said "I'll start as soon as I've double checked the circle."

"And when will you do that?" she asked.

"Now." He replied and rose up from the ground, taking her off with him as she was still on his back.

She yelped and jumped away from his back, landing on the ground with more grace than he himself would ever show.

He ignored the light glare she was giving him, raised his wand and cast the required spell.

An hour later.

He floated the last ingredient into the air from a distance and slowly put it inside the stabilizing part of the ritual circle.

A moonstone to take the excess energy generated by the ritual if hid body failed to take in all of it.

For all the the ritual circle took him a whole month to make, only 3% of the runes were the real ritual, the rest were stabilizing agents to make sure that he won't turn into a half dragon monstrosity.

Similarly, of the hundreds of ingredients put inside the ritual circle, only the 3 dragon eggs were the real force behind the ritual.

"You done?" Ygritte asked and he nodded.

"Leave the room now." He said "I have never performed a ritual of this magnitude. Ever. I don't know how it'll affect the surroundings so it's better if you're not nearby."

"Will you be alright?" she asked, her eyebrows scrunched up in worry.

"I will." He replied. Hopefully.

The ritual was so complicated, large and expensive that he did not get the chance to try it on other test subjects. After all, it took 3 living dragon eggs to run the ritual and a whole month to draw the runes.

This was also the main reason why he had created so many stabilizing circles inside it in the first place.

He wasn't about to go into unknown territory without proper protection.

Even then, there was a small chance that something will go horribly wrong and he might end of turning into some kind of mutant.

He hoped it won't come to pass as he led Ygritte out of the room and closed the door.

He had already given her a portkey so that if something went wrong then she'll be able to escape this place.

He started the runes on the door that would protect the walls and the ceiling from the large amount of energy that this ritual will generate. Just another of the many safety measures he had created for this ritual.

Once he was sure that everyone was as it should be, he removed the clothes and every other equipment from his body and carefully stepped into the middle of the circle and laid down on the ground.

Once that was done, he looked at the ritual circle he had taken such a long time to draw.

He though of Ygritte and how much he loved her. Of his aunt and how she had been the mother for him that he never had. His sworn shields, his subordinates, his people and why he was taking this risk in the first place.

Then he used wandless magic and cut open his palm.

A few drops of blood dropped in the middle of a small hole he had created. Once the hole was filled, the runes around it started to glow.

Then in sequence, the runes around them started to glow as well and the magical energy in the air skyrocketed as the first ingredients, a dozen branches of Heart tree burned out and he started to feel the discomfort in his body.

He quickly healed his finger and laid down on his floor.

The room became brighter and brighter as the other runes started to glow on after another, the energy in the air rising and stabilizing with each moment before the runes around the three Dragon eggs finally glowed.

A blinding pain filled his body his body.

He screamed and then everything went blank.

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