
Chapter 248

Next day

He stood on the second floor of the stone building and watched the courtyard bustling with life with a faint smile.

Jon and Robb were once again training with Varko, desperately trying to score just one hit on the man who was probably the Greatest swordsman in the world after getting his body enhancements.

They had not succeeded in hitting him even once which must be a little embarrassing and disheartening for them. After all, unlike him they had been training with swords since they were 8 years old. So the fact that the could even touch Varko with their swords must rankle them.

One the other side of the Courtyard, Ser Rodrik Cassel was talking with one of his men. The caption of the 20 men he had brought with him.

His enhanced senses and a bit of cheat magic allowed him to hear all the conversations going around in the courtyard.

It seems the fact that none of his own men dying yesterday did not go unnoticed and Ser Rodrik Cassel now wanted to know what kind of training his men went through to earn the right to wear a magical armor and carry a magical weapon.

The captain was telling him the barebones of their training and Ser Rodrik almost seemed overwhelmed with shock.

He turned his head and looked at the other corner of the courtyard where Arya had once again attached herself to Ygritte and was training archery with his lover who seemed all too happy to share her craft.

It still surprised him that Ygritte was so good with children.

In fact, he had come to find that almost all the Free folk he brought from up North were good with children. They took no nonsense from the kids and taught them the difference between right and wrong quite early in their lives.

He often found himself comparing the Free Folk parents to his aunt Petunia and uncle Dursley and found that he would have preferred a life with the Free Folk as his parents.

Even Karsi who was burdened with her duties as a General and a spokesperson for the Free Folk in his area found time for her children.

Ygritte was also starting to send him longing glances ever since she saw Karsi's swollen belly and the longing glances had only become more desperate since they came to Winterfell.

His argument that she was only 17 years old and he only 16 did not seem to matter to her.

Then again, there were a lot of examples in this world where the girls married at 13 years of age and had children of their own by 14.

There was a very good reason why so many girls died in childbirth in this world. At that age, their hips are not fully developed and their bodies had not grown to their full extent which leads to more internal injuries during childbirth which leads to blood loss and then death.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard footsteps coming toward him.

He turned and surprised to find that it Robb and Jon who had suffered yet another defeat at the hands of Varko who was now locked in mock combat with Baka.

A good size of crowd was gathering to watch the mock combat between the Greatest Swordsman of the 7 kingdoms and Baka the Giantess who was already gaining a legend of her own after the slaughter yesterday.

"Robb. Jon." He said in greeting before he looked down at the two pups that had followed them up here. Midnight and Snowric were resting down at a corner in the courtyard.

"Lord Bolton." Robb said, his face was serious "You talked with the King Yesterday."

"I did." He nodded.

"…father is not telling us anything about the meeting." Jon said with some hesitation "We were… wondering if you would share some details with us."

He looked at both the boys who were only one year younger than him and nodded.

"The King believed us after seeing the Ice Sword with his own eyes." He said "He has already removed any taxes from the North till the upcoming Summer and has given us many other benefits that would strengthen the North and give us a decent advantage in the Long Night. But…"

"But?" Robb asked.

"But they won't be sending any men. Nor any resources."

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