
Chapter 171

He took out his own sword and started looking for any Cave Dweller to stab as well. He had never taken a life before and even if it felt some what cowardly to take the life of a defeated opponent, it was better than doing so in the midst of battle of freezing.

'Cave Dwellers.' He thought. There was a time when he would look at these people and call all of them wildlings.

But after getting a lesson from Lord Bolton in the various cultures of the wildlings (or Free Folk, as Lord Bolton loved to call them), he came to realize that the people North of the Wall were as diverse and different from each other as the people in the North if not more so.

"You did well today." He heard Lord Bolton's voice from a few steps ahead and hurried to catch up to him.

"I did not do anything." He replied. Truly what else could he have done when the battle was already over and the remnants of the Cave Dwellers were being hunted by Lord Bolton's horse riders and direwolves.

"You did not fight. Perhaps." Lord Bolton nodded "But you rallied your men quickly and came to my aid. Not only that, you also took the time to send your uncle and half your men to the other side of the camp in preparation for an ambush. That was very wise of you to do. Especially in a situation where many men lose their wits. You have the making of a great battle commander Robb. Your father must be proud of you."

He flushed like a virgin maiden at Lord Bolton's praise and then kicked himself for it. "Th… thank you Lord Bolton." He said to his idol even as his cheeks remained pink.

He was thankful for the darkness now then ever before.

"The Direwolf gave me strength and confidence when I gathered my me. He allowed me to focus." He said and Lord Bolton nodded.

"I'm not surprised. The bonded animals are said to do that." Then Lord Bolton turned around and knelt down in front of Midnight who growled at the larger man but didn't do anything as Lord Bolton rubbed his head.

"When he grows up, I'll give you a chain armor that I've designed for the direwolves of my wargs. For Snowric as well." Lord Bolton said and rubbed Midnight's head one last time before getting up.

"Come Robb. Let's go to the command tent the explain the situation to the rest of the lords." Lord Bolton explained and stabbed one last man before turning around and walking away.

He hurried to catch up to Lord Bolton, wondering if the Night's Watch or any other army would have reacted as quickly if they suffered a night raid.

The Night's Watch has been fighting the Free Folk for centuries so they would probably have been fine but he couldn't say the same for the other heirs.

Maybe this was why Lord Bolton had the Lord Jeor Mormont had decided to take the front and the back. To protect the naive and young heirs that would otherwise be an easy prey in the cold of these Lands.

He was starting to see why his father sent him here. Why his father respected Lord Bolton and believed that he would be safe with him. And why he was told to watch and learn from Lord Bolton and the others.

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