
Chapter 147

Domeric Bolton's study room was empty. Until 14 people suddenly came out of a portkey and dropped down on the ground.

"It is night time already." He said after he got up and dusting the imaginary dirt off his armor "You can all go back to your rooms and go back to your duties the next day."

The 9 men he had brought with him stripped their magical armor, Valyrian sword and the bottomless pouch before leaving the room.

He was not worried that they would spread the news about his magical powers. They had already signed a magical contract made by him and if they try to divulge any sensitive information about him, they would start speaking gibberish and the magical contract would turn red and inform him about their breach of the contract as well as their location.

That would be the end of them.

He did not take kindly to treachery or betrayal.

Not after Ginny…

He shook his head off the bad thoughts and turned to his two sworn shields.

"You two can go as well. Have a good night's sleep. You've earned it."

Varko bowed and Baka waved him goodbye before both of them left the room. Leaving only him and Ygritte alone in the study.

"And what'll you have me do M'lord?" Ygritte said in a mock innocent voice even as she wrapped her arms around his.

He removed his helmet and gave her a serious glance "Strip." He told her.

She shivered at his order and rose her chin in defiant "And what'll you do if I don't. Will you have me a punished and sent to the mines like you did with the other prisoners?" she asked.

He rolled his eyes and used transfiguration to turn the ground around him as soft as a bed.

Then he picked her up and threw her down on the ground.

"No. But I'll do this." He told her as he put her on his knees and used magic to strip her off her armor before he spanked her butt, getting a surprised yelp out of her.

"What the hell was that for?" she asked, looking confused and slightly hurt as she rubbed her butt.

Oh… he forgot that his enhanced strength could be harmful to others if he forgot how to control it.

And spanking was not a thing yet.

"Sorry about that." He said "Didn't meant to hurt you."

He then flipped her and put her on the ground, getting on top of her and looking intensely at her brown eyes.

Gods did she looked beautiful.

Before she could reply, he bent down and captured her lips with his own. He soft and thin lips meshed against his own and he closed his eyes and lost himself in the sensation before she suddenly bit his lips. Hard!

"Ouch!" he said and pulled back from her. Looking at her in confusion and slight annoyance.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"If you want me Domeric Bolton then you gotta steal me. Like a proper true Northern girl. Otherwise you can forget about me." She said before she knocked her arm and punched him straight in the face.

He head snapped to the right and he blinked at the sudden turn of event, cursing the weird tradition of the Free Folk even as if he generally respected it for producing such strong people.

"You think you can take me Bolton?" she asked with a playful smile and he smiled back.

She didn't get another chance to hit him after that as he captured both of her arms with one of his own and put both his legs above hers.

She squirmed in place and tried to headbutt him but he simply laughed at her, taking a little enjoyment in this weird mating ritual of theirs which would count as rape anywhere else.

He brought his other hand and knead her left breast, feeling himself harden down there as she let out an involuntary moan at his administration.

He then took hold of her leather armor and tore it off of her in one quick move, leaving her naked and slightly flushed underneath him.

He moved downward and slowly lowered her leather pant, showing her red hair and the moist lips peeking in through the thick mane of hair.

A simple spell and the red hair was no longer there.

"Hey!" the girl complained as she saw this and he stole a quick kiss from her soft lips.

"Sorry. But I like my girl clean down there." He told her and used his middle finger to slowly entered her tight cunt before he came across and obstruction.

"You're a virgin." He said and she growled at him.

"What of it?"

He wanted to use legilimency to find out what she was thinking but he liked the girl and wouldn't invade her privacy like that.

"Nothing." He replied and removed his own breeches, letting his cock fall on her stomach.

She gulped at the size and he smiled.

Yes, this was indeed going to be a fun night.

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