
Chapter 144

It came as a surprise to him when the Wights around him didn't came to support the White Walker.

They just stood back and looked at their battle with their blue eyes. Standing still and not doing anything.

He blocked another quick strike from the White Walker, feeling his feet buckle from the great pressure with it's single hand while he himself had to use two hands to block it.

With a start, he realized that even with the new body enhancements, he was still weaker and slower than the White Walker. It was also more skilled than him. Perhaps even more skilled than Varko.

Those realizations rang all kinds of alarms in his head.

No wonder the Free Folk considered these magical creatures as gods.

He knew that, that even with a Valyrian blade, a normal human stands no chance against these White Walkers in a single combat.

But what he lacked in speed and strength, he made up for with his reflexes.

Dodging another strike from the White Walker with a hair's breadth, he doubled back, wanting to disengage from the fight and wait for one of his sworn sword or someone else to come to his aid as he was still hopelessly outmatched here.

Then with a start, he realized that he couldn't go back anymore. He turned back and noticed that the Wights had secretly moved behind him and were now stopping him from disengaging from the fight.

He picked one of them. A half rotten child and threw it at the White walker who swiped it away with his sword easily, not even breaking it's stride as it moved toward him gracefully.

'How the fuck can someone move gracefully in half a foot deep snow.' He cursed mentally as he realized that in order to win this battle, he would have to do something drastic.

So when the White Walker moved it's sword to swing at him, he readied his sword as well and then…

The wall of Wights that had formed around them broke as Varko emerged from within the undeads and then with a roar of anger, he charged at the White Walker who turned his attention to face the man who had sought to challenge it.

He used this distraction and threw his Dragonglass dagger at it.

The dagger struck it's armor and shattered it pieces.

The White Walker didn't even look back as it defended itself easily against Varko before kicking Varko in the chest, making a dent on the chest armor and throwing him back in the midst of the Wights who fell upon the Greatest swordsman of the 7 kingdoms without any fear.

He knew that he would not get a better chance so he jumped at the White Walker, his sword raised high to spit it's skull in half.

With a graceful spin, it moved out of the way and buried it's icy sword in his stomach.

Or at least that's what it tried to do.

His full body armor made of Valyrian Steel stopped the blade before it could pierce him.

But it's own magical armor failed to protect it when he slashed at it with his Valyrian sword.

The Valyrian sword cut into it's armor and dug deep in it's chest and for a moment, it just stared at the scene in what he could only assume was disbelief.

Then with a piercing wail and screech, the White Walker turned into Ice and shattered into thousands of pieces.

'What? That's bullshit.' He thought, wanting to study it's body and find an easier way to kill the White Walkers because even using Valyrian Steel sword to kill them was much much harder than he had initially expected.

Then as if their strings had been cut, the Wights around him disintegrated into bones and skin and fell onto the ground. Dead.

He was not surprised.

He had felt the magical connection between the White Walker and the Wights and had thought that something like this might happen upon it's death.

But even if that meant that they won't have to fight the whole army of White Walkers. It presented a problem of it's own.

As the undead army died down and he was able to get a better look at his surroundings, he noticed that the Wights that he had caught within the roots had also disintegrated.

Which meant that he had lost a man in this battle and had gained absolutely nothing in return.


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