
Chapter 138

"What do mean you're leaving?" she almost shouted, her eyes blazing in righteous anger and her nephew backed away in fear, raising his arms to calm her down.

Calm her down! Hah! As if she would be calm knowing that he was leaving for yet another stupid expedition as soon as she came back home.

"Auntie. At least let me explain it to you."

"Explain. What's there to explain. Are you not going on yet another expedition North of the Wall?" she asked as she looked around for something to pick up and beat her nephew with. A few good smacks to his head and might yet beat the foolishness out of him.

"Yeah well… yeah… but there's more to that. Much more."

"Then send your men. What good are they if you have to risk your own life every time something important comes up?" she asked. "Don't you have the Greatest swordsman Varko as your Sworn shield. Why don't you send him in this expedition."

Her nephew frowned at that "Okay first. He might be a great swordsman but a great commander he was not. Second. You know very well auntie that I'm not the kind of man who would sit in his castle and expect his subordinates to fight for him."

She almost snorted at that. For all the strength he has gained, all the stubble he has grown and all the maturity he has shown, he would always remain a boy to her. The boy who became a lord when he far too young to shoulder it's burdens.

That he had done such a good job as a lord said more about her newphew's talent and capabilities.

"Third. You know that I have my own set of skills that make it very important that I be present in this expedition"

She frowned and sat down on a chair, motioning him to take the chair opposite to her.

"Explain to me then. Why are you going on an expedition North of the Wall once again. Why is it so important that you go out there and risk your life in that frozen piece of land. What do you want nephew?" her angry tirade had turned into a desperate plea by the end but she paid it no mind even as her nephew looked distinctly uncomfortable by it all.

Her nephew remained silent, his eyes closed in contemplation before he opened his eyes and gazed at her seriously.

"You're the first person I'm about to tell this to." He said "And you're not going to like it. You sure you want to know my I'm leaving for the North once again?"

"Yes." She replied with equal seriousness.

"Brace yourself for this piece of information then." He told her and then after a moment of silence, he explained "The White Walkers are back auntie."

Nothing. Absolutely nothing could have prepared for this piece of news. And even as she tried not to show any signs of shock or fear, judging by the concern on her nephew's face, she was not doing a good job of it.

She did not even consider that her nephew would lie to her.

"How…" she let out, her voice weaker and raspier than she had expected and she realized that her throat was dry.

Her nephew took out a glass of water from his 'bottomless pouch' and gave it to her.

She gave him a thankful glance and took a few sips from it. "How would you know such… a thing?" she asked clearly this time, a little angry at how her voice shook in the end.

She did not want to be a frightened kitten right now. She wanted to be a pillar of strength for her nephew. Someone whom he could tell things like these. Someone whom he could consult without any fear. Not a scared little lady.

But the unexpected mention of the White Walkers had shaken her to the core and filled her with a primal fear that she was having difficulty overcoming.

Then her nephew put his hands on top of hers and it was as if a fog had been lifted from her mind and she found herself becoming calmer by the moment.

"Take a deep breath auntie." Domeric said and she nodded, doing as he told her to. Feeling more and more calm and collected with each breath.

By the end of it, she had regained her composer so her nephew nodded at her and started explaining "All those years ago, when I met Mance on the expedition North of the wall…"

Ten minutes later, she was still silent as her nephew ended his tale of how he could now feel a distinct difference in the air whenever he goes North of the Wall and was sure that it was the doing of the White Walkers.

"I must go and investigate this situation on my own." He told her in the end "I must see if these White Walkers are really as dangerous as they're made out to be. And if they are, then I must inform Lord Stark and King Robert about it. Ready the whole 7 kingdoms for the war that's about to come this Winter."

She could only nod at that. Not knowing what else to do.

"Well, it seems like I cannot stop you in this endeavor of yours." She said "But… promise me that you'll return. That you won't do something foolish and sacrifice your life for your men. Promise me that you'll prioritize your life above everyone else in your group. Promise me this."

Her nephew looked reluctant but she continued to look at him resolutely and he finally nodded at her.

"Then I make this vow to you. I'll put my life above those under my command and make sure to return at all cost no matter what."

She nodded at him before she rose from her seat and pulled him into a tight hug.

In that moment, she was reminded of how she hugged her husband William Dustin when he went to the war down South and never returned.

She tightened the hug on her nephew and prayed to the old gods once again to keep him safe.

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