
Chapter 133

After 5 minutes, they reached their destination and the carriage stopped.

The stop brought Tyrion out of his self destructive thoughts and he turned to face him.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, he asked "Why?" his voice had an edge to it even as it shook with grief and pain "Why tell me this?"

He wore the hood, covered his face and climbed down from the carriage "Come. Let me show you." He said as he took out five gold coins and gave it to the Coachman with a gesture to wait for them here.

Tyrion wore his own hood and followed after him. His legs unsteady and lost.

They walked down the road for a while before he finally reached a large building.

"Come." He said as he led Tyrion through a alley and into a back door that led inside the room.

"This is a building I created to give jobs to women who don't have any means to support their family but don't want to sell out their bodies." He told Tyrion though he very much doubted that the man was even listening to him as he led the man through a set of stairs and to the second floor which gave a full view of the woman working on the various looms to create various kinds of cloth.

"Look at the woman on the 4th seat on the third row." He told Tyrion while pointing at the woman.

Tyrion did and last vestiges of blood drained away from his face as he was confronted with his past once again.

Tyrion remained like this for the next few minutes, staring at the woman he had married as silent tears rolled down his cheeks and fell into the dusty ground.

After ten minutes, Tyrion finally managed to get some control over himself so he took his hand and led him down the stairs and out of the back door and back into the carriage.

Through it all, the man remained unresponsive. As if his soul had left his body and he was nothing but a walking corpse.

The coach fell into silence and remained so for the next few minutes before Tyrion finally turned to him and asked.

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you Tyrion." He told the man "I've already got what I wanted."

"You… she… Do you plan to keep her as a… hostage?" Tyrion asked, some hint of anger shining through his voice.

"No. Not at all. In fact, you are free to take her and go wherever you want." He told the man "I have no intention or any reason to keep her here as a hostage. I would even give you some gold for your future. But where will you go? You cannot go back to the Rock or Kings Landing with her. I doubt she would go there with you even if you take her. The only place she could remain safe. The only one who could keep both of you safe is me."

"This… this can't be real." Tyrion murmured to himself.

"Oh but it is Tyrion." He said with some sympathy "And you owe the girl far far more than you could ever hope to repay in your lifetime."

Tyrion went silent at that and didn't speak anymore for the rest of the journey.

Once they finally reached Dreadfort and both of them climbed down from the carriage, Tyrion turned to him, not looking in his eyes and spoke "I need… I need some time to think."

And then he turned around and walked away.

He looked at the back of the man, feeling like shit for what he had done before he finally turned and gave another 5 gold dragons to the coachman.

"Have a good day." He told the man.

"You too my lord." The coachman said before he turned the coach around and left.

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Fortunate_Soulcreators' thoughts