
Chapter 124


Tyrion looked at Dreadfort. Or Winterhold the named given to the City outside Dreadfort. And he realized that this was different from any city he had ever seen before in his life.

Mostly because the city was so covered with trees that it seemed like a half forest itself.

And the trees were not just any trees either but the Heart wood trees that the Northerners like to pray to so much.

There were thousands of these trees in the city. Their crimson foliage covering the roof of the city until many houses and establishments seemed to have been buried under these trees.

Considering that the Heart tree was said to have the Old Gods reside inside them. And even the Starks only have one of these tree in their Godswood, he could see this City getting the title of 'Holy City of the Old Gods' or something equally pretencions like that in the future.

Though that didn't take away the beauty of the city.

There was also the fact that there was no smell of shit of piss wafting in the city.

That was a huge accomplishment onto itself considering how even Lannisport, the jewel of the Westerlands have the constant smell of shit and piss coming from it. Even if the smell was not as intense and nauseating as it is in Kings Landing.

Truly, he must talk with the architects who designed the sewers of this City and see what they did differently than the other cities to make it so… clean.

Yes. A clean city. The concept almost seemed foreign to him. But he supposed that it was just 'one of those things' that were different in the Bolton lands.

"We're still in Westeros are we not?" he asked Mance who seemed perfectly comfortable by all this.

"We are. Though I could see why you would ask such a thing." Mance said with a soft smile "This city. It seems like it came from a dream itself. Does it not."

He could only nod in silence as the sight of the 100 Glass houses greeted him. 'More than 100 now' his mind informed him.

And to think that even the Starks only had two of these.

This just went to show the difference of Wealth between House Bolton and any other House in the North.

In fact, he had a feeling that even his own father, Lord Tywin Lannister, He who shits gold, would find this whole endeavor an unnecessary extravagance.

He did not even want to think about the Giants he had seen working outside the Walls, helping the other building dig a Moat outside the City Wall.

Considering that the city's wall were 1 and half times taller than that of Lannisoport and the walls were filled with Scorpions and Catapults, he doubted that anyone would ever get to the City without losing 5 times their own men.

"I know that I've asked this a few hundred times already." He spoke "But how the hell is Lord Bolton able to pay for all of… this" he said, pointing his hand at everything.

Considering that Lord Bolton financed the construction of the whole city from his own purse, he was not wrong either.

"A question that has stumped many. Myself included. But Lord Bolton always remains tight lipped about matter." Mance replied "Some people joke that like the Lannisters, Lord Bolton has also found a gold mine underneath his Castle. But I've never seen any such thing in my time living here. So truly. I've just as much idea as you in this regards."

He didn't reply. He had heard this answer a few times before already.

Suddenly, he saw something out of the corner of his eyes and his head swiveled around to take a loot at the small child like figure darting around a Heart tree.

And then the sight was lost to him as the carriage moved on.

"Was that…" he turned to Mance who simply smiled at him.

To think that he would not only see a Giant but also a Children of the Forest in a single day.

After all that he had seen since the start of the day, he was surprised that he was able to feel some more excitement instead of merely feeling numb to it all.

"Lord Bolton has warned his populace to not interact with the Children of the Forest on the threat of heavy punishment. The Children of the Forest are an endangered magical species. And Lord Bolton had to go to great lengths to bring a few of them down the Wall. Some kids get curious every now and then but either the policemen or their own parents set them straight."

"Hmm… That would explain how the Children of the Forest was able to play around in the open without being accosted by everyone."

"Ash." Mance replied.

"Excuse me?"

"Ash. The Child of the Forest that you saw. Her name is Ash. She and some of her friends were the ones who carved a face on the trees that you see around yourself."

"I see." He said, not knowing what else to say in this matter. So he remained silent as the Carriage drew closer to the Well fortified Castle of Dreadfort that seemed to loom over every other building in the vicinity.

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