
Chapter 109

Domeric sat under the shadow of a large Weirwood tree and looked at the huge construction site in front of him.

The library that he had dreamed of for so long was finally being built.

It has taken a long time for this to happen. In fact, if it had been up to him then he would have started it's construction years ago.

As it was, the decision had indeed been up to him but he had prioritized the construction roads, mines, shipyards, houses and walls instead of the library.

But now that he had more workers on his hands, it was finally time to start work on the building that he had designed four years ago.

Four years… How fast the time flies by when you're so busy.

He was once again reminded that he had been in this world for almost 7-8 years. There were days when he would wake up and still be surprised that this was all real. That he had died but instead of leaving for the afterlife, he came to this world instead.

He was brought out of his musings when he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He saw the 50 guards surrounding him move apart to allow the Head of the Infrastructure and Roads as well as the men working under him to come to him.

"My lord." Brandon Snow, a man old enough to be his grandfather and the Head of the Infrastructure and Roads said and gave him a bow, the other men behind him following his lead and bowing to him.

"Brandon." He said with a nod "It seems like the construction of the Library of Alexandria is is off to an excellent start."

"It has my lord. The steel and concrete foundations are mostly completed and we'll move on to the construction of the pillars after this." Brandon replied in an enthusiastic manner despite his old age. Well… not that old considering that he was only 50. But still. That man had the tendency of becoming giddy like a child whenever he is handed a big project like this.

"Good. Tell me Brandon. Do you think that the library's construction will finish before the 2 years time I've given you."

"It should my lord. If no complications occur then the work should finish even before the estimated 2 years. But even if some complications occur, the construction should still finish before 3 years."

He stayed silent for a moment as he gazed at Brandon before he stood up and looked at the men behind Brandon. Each of them suffled nervously as his eyes met theirs before he finally nodded and turned to Brandon once again.

"I'll not be able to oversee this project as much as I did for the others." He told the man in a soft voice "I trust that you'll continue the work and not slack off in my absence."

Brandon for his part looked indignant "Never my lord. I'll all my life and soul in this and see the library completed to your expectations."

He stayed silent for a moment, looking at Brandon's eyes and reading his intent. The man believed everything he said and was truly dedicated to this project.

"Good." He said softly "You're dismissed."

Brandon nodded and bowed to him, his subordinates following the bow before they left the area.

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