
Chapter 100

By this point in time, he had spent hundreds of thousands of gold dragons on the construction of roads all in his domain.

What people didn't knew was that he had also spent a good amount of gold coins on the construction of very advanced Horse Carriages that had rubber covering and suspension spring on their wheels along with a large interior that made travel inside those carriages as comfortable as it could be in this medieval era.

But despite such luxuries, he refrained from travelling inside the Horse Carriages and preferred to travel on a horse back as riding on a horseback gave him more of manly feeling than riding inside a carriage.

Plus, riding in horse back for long hours could be considered an exercise for his thighs and back anyway.

So as he and Sansa left Dreadfort with a guard detail of 100 horseriders led by Ser Walton, one of his most trusted man. he rode in the middle of the formation on his horse beside Sansa who was sitting inside the horse carriage and was looking at the scenery with a curious expression, asking him questions about various things on various topics every now and then, with Varko riding a few meters behind him so as to not intrude on their private conversation.

But regardless of how beautiful the scenery was or how luxurious the carriage was, both him and Sansa eventually got bored and spent the next few hours of their journey in companionable silence until they finally reached their destination.

They had reached the shipyard where all the ships in his fleet were built. Except for the few ships that he bought from Braavos or took from the defeated pirates.

And at the centre of the shipyard stood the Ship factory in all it's glory. The single largest building in Westeros that was not a castle.

The building was 100 feet tall, 200 feet wide and 2500 feet long. The building had enough area inside it to hold 7 football fields inside and still have some area left.

It was designed in such a way that the wood, steel, cloth along with all resources required to build would go inside from other end where the workers would start working on it in sections and move it forward once their work was done.

So the wood, steel, ropes and clothes go from one end and a fully completed ship came out of the other end.

A design that he had copied from the Braavosi with good results.

"Let's go inside Lady Sansa." He said as he helped her out of the carriage and led her to a building opposite to the Ship factory.

Sansa gave him a questioning look and he smiled "The Titanic has already been completed." He told her while pointing at a brand new building that he had built for the simple purpose of holding his flag ship. "It is in that building. Getting some finishing touches."

As they reached the large building, the workers quickly ran and opened the gate of the building for him.

He nodded and entered the building, hearing Sansa as well as the guards behind her gasp at the sight of the ship in front of them.

Because while his Titanic might not be much in comparison to the real Titanic from his past life but it was still by far the largest ship even built in the known history of Westeros.

It was a truly a monster of a ship. A tetrareme galley with four levels of rows in each side. Each row had 150 seats. Which lead to a total of 1200 rowers and could hold 300 more men on the deck with four ballista and a Steel ram at the front.

The most important thing about Titanic was that the ship was made entirely of Iron wood.

In fact, it was also the only ship in Westeros that was built entirely of Iron wood. Mostly because of how expensive Iron Wood really was.

Buying the wood for the ship alone cost him 160,000 gold dragons.

Even since the ship completed a month ago, he had been coming here in secret and have been carving magical runes on it's entire surface.

It would still take a month or more before the runic arrays he had carved at the side and the runic matrix at the bottom would be completed. He had planted 10 small bonsai Weirwood tree in the Captain's room to power the runes.

Once the runes are completed, the ship will sail two times faster than the fastest ship in his fleet and turn just as quickly as any small war galley allowing it to quickly maneuver the waters and act like a beast in a battle. Not to mention give it an additional defense from blunt damage and elemental damage from lightening or fire.

The largest ship in Westeros before the Titanic was built was the Arbor Queen owned by the Redwynes which could hold about 600 men at a time. Titanic on the other hand could hold about 1500 men at full capacity. There was really no comparison at all.

"Do you want to go and check it from the inside my lady?" he asked, feeling a little pride at the slack jawed expression on her face and the shocked and fearful expression on the face of the Stark guards.

Sansa gave him nod while looking a little dazed and he smiled.

He spent the next two hours showing her the interior of the Titanic before they had to return back to Dreadfort so that they won't be late for dinner.

The next day, aunt Barbrey left to Bolton Port while he led the escort of Lady Catelyn and Sansa back to Winterfell where he could explain the 'circumstances' to Lord Stark.

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