
Chapter 87

"I did not know that the Boltons had a Valyrian sword of their own." Lord Stark murmured in wonder as he gazed at the Valyrian Steel sword being held being a thick sheet of glass that was further reinforced with magical runes so that it won't break even if a nuclear bomb fell upon Dreadfort castle.

"It's not really a secret." He said with a shrug "After all, it's just there. Sitting in a display behind the glass wall in the study. Anyone who comes here can see it and I guess most of my people already know about it. It's a wonder the news about it has not already spread throughout Westeros."

"Hmm… Does it has a name?" Lord Stark asked.

"Lily." He said with a nod "Named after a woman who was dear to me."

Lord Stark rose an eyebrow at that, probably coming to the wrong conclusion but didn't comment on his words.

A long silence ensued between the two of them as he gazed outside the window at the people working in the town down below while Lord Stark gazed at the newly built Valyrian Sword.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do for this whole mess?" Lord Stark asked in a tired voice after a long moment, breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah. I have." He said turning to look at the lord who was gazing intensely at him now.

"And you have a solution for to solve this civil unrest?" Lord Stark asked.

He shrugged in reply. "First thing first. I think we can both agree on the fact that none of this is the fault of House Bolton. The people who came to live in my lands. The people whom I welcomed with open arms did so because they saw a better life for themselves and their children in my lands. And despite how the lords of these lands might treat their subjects, the truth remains that the smallfolk are not our slaves. They're their own people and are free to do with lives as they please."

Lord Stark reluctantly nodded at his words and was about to open his mouth before he cut him off.

"That said. It is also the truth that the lords in these lands rely on the peasants and the tax payed by them to sustain their households. And it is also the truth that despite all the flowery words I've said, I'm the one who has gained the most from this mass migration."

A population increase of 200,000 people in fact. A number that would only go up and up in the upcoming years.

He himself had been shocked to hear the in the past two years, the amount of people living in his lands had grown by 25% thanks to the immigrants from other lands who came to his lands for more work and better life.

He just… didn't knew that the problem was so severe.

The North itself only boasted a population of about 5 million people in total. So the fact 4% people migrated to his lands in the past 2 years was not a small thing at all.

In hindsight, he should have noticed that such a large amount of people flocking to his lands for the work and gold he was offering would definitely cause some friction.

Oh well. Spilled milk and all that.

"So here is what I suggest." He said "I'm willing to pay for 10 times the amount of wealth that a peasant family pays in tax in a year to all the lords who had lost their smallfolk to me in the past two years."

"That is…" Lord Stark said, looking at him suspiciously "Rather generous of you considering how you're not even in the wrong in this matter."

"Perhaps." He shrugged "But I don't want people to think that I'm some kind of fiend who just takes and takes from them without giving anything in return. In fact, if the the people whom I'm about to pay for their displaced population invest all that gold in my lands, then I'm sure that their capital would easily increase to two or three folds in a few years."

"You seem rather unconcerned about this whole matter." Lord Stark pointed out. "Do you even realize how many families you'll have to pay for?"

"About 46,800 families. Yes Lord Stark, I'm aware." He replied, not caring about the icredulous look of Lord Stark's face at the precise information he held. That's what happens when you have competent subordinates working under you and the populace is willing to work with the government. "I'm also aware that I'll have to pay about 190,000 gold dragons for these people."

Lord Stark raised an eyebrow at his words "You do realize that 190,000 gold dragons is no small amount."

And it was true. North was the second poorest kingdom in the Westeros, followed only by the Iron Islands due to their lack of natural resources. But that didn't mean that he himself was poor.

No. In fact he was sure that by this point his house could be counted among one of the richest houses in Westeros. Followed only by House Lannister, Tyrell, Hightower, Martell and Redwynes due to their long history.

The fact that he was richer than House Arryn, Stark, Baratheon, Tully and Greyjoy, all of whom were the high lords of their kingdoms spoke for itself.

Still, appearances needed to be kept.

"I know Lord Stark." He nodded "But it is not an very large amount either. And I would rather pay for the people whom I've indirectly taken in my lands and see an end to this mess rather than surround myself with neighbours who hate my guts."

Lord Stark was about to say something when their was a knock on the door.

Both of them frowned at the interruption as the door opened an inch and Maester Wolkan peeked inside the room.

"My lord. Lady Barbrey sent me to inform you that Lord Rickard Karstark and his men have arrived for the Tourney."

"Lord Karstark has arrived, has he. Then send one of the sewer cleaner to escort him out of my lands."

"My lord. That would be seen as a huge insult. Lord Karstark would not let such disrespect go without any retaliation."

"Disrespect huh… Good enough for an old fossil that I don't respect at all." He mumbled.

"My Lord." Maester Wolkan hesitated "Lady Barbrey said that if you don't arrive to welcome the lord within 5 minutes, then she'll come here on her own to ask you politely to come with you."

He grimaced at the Maester's words and shot a glare at Lord Stark who started chuckling at the Maester's words.

"Very well then." He nodded grudgingly before a feral smile took place in his face "Call for all the wargs, giants and the entire horse riders around Dreadfort. Tell Briar to call for the entire Direwolf pack as well. Lord Karstark wants a welcome doesn't he. I'll give him such a proper welcome that he won't dare to come back to my lands ever again."

Maester Wolkan paled at his words but went to follow his words as soon as he glared at the man.

His enmity for Lord Karstark might be petty but he can be petty sometimes too.

"Lord Stark, if you would give me leave. I would go and welcome Lord Karstark with all the proper respect that he deserve" he said with a feral grin and Lord Stark grimaced before nodding at him.

Suffice to say that the look of Lord Karstark's face when his welcoming party came out of Dreadfort and surrounded the Karstark men completely was one for the book.

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