
Cemetery With You-I

The apartment was large as it takes one single floor. Frankly speaking the place was too luxurious for a single man to live in. Seojun began to venture quickly, checking from one room to another while skipping the room that was out of suspicions. When he arrived by a room, his hand pushed the door knob.

Unexpectedly the room was unlocked which saved Seojun from having to pick the lock of the door. Entering inside, his eyes sought around to see it was a study room. A single desk and chair were put far near the wall across the door and he saw book shelves places on almost all place where there was walls. 

This was the pureblood's study room, thought Seojun and his lips twisted to a smile. The place was too suspicious and he closed the door behind him to search for everything he could find inside. 
