
I’m Not a Witch-I

They stood in front of the door and Lee Young was first to leave the room. When Seoyeon thought they would leave or follow Lee Young, she felt her wrist pulled by Jung Hwa and he brought her to enter the room they had just exited a minute ago. The pull didn't hurt her but it did surprised her. He took her waist, turning her inside and Seoyeon saw him pull the sleeve of her blouse. Looking closer, Seoyeon's eyes stopped still at the red rashes which had appeared since minute after she had exited the courtroom.

When Seoyeon saw the red rashes, she felt her heart stopped. She recalled the words spoken by him before that when a witch touched the powder and red rashes appear, it prove the person as a witch; like an allergic reaction. Seeing it with her own eyes she first doubted it could be the reason but then the red rashes didn't only appeared at her right hand but also her left and her legs.
