
Confirmed Information!

"It's a Pokemon I don't of; so I have to ask a friend from the Johto Daycare, he should know." The old man smiled and stood up before leaving out of the room. Gan was speechless, the old man made it seem like he knew what it was but he actually didn't.

The old man came back and took a few pictures of the egg before leaving again. Gan simply waited, then he saw something that appeared to look like jelly passing by his table.

"What the..." Gan looked closely until it turned around and looked at him, it had a deadpan smiley face filled with no worries.


|Name: Ditto

|Type: Normal

|Level: 45

|Ability: Limber

|Potential: ★★★★★

|Nature: Jolly

|Moves: Transform|


"!!!" Gan rubbed his eyes to be sure he wasn't seeing things and counted the stars slowly to be sure. Turns out, his math wasn't failing him, it was indeed a 5-star Pokemon; the first he's ever seen!

"Oh, there you are! Jolly speed, how did you get out of the pen this time?" A woman quickly came over to retrieve the supposed escapee. She even called it Jolly Speed, Gan quickly surmised that this Ditto was used for breeding.

The woman picked ditto up, but she also noticed Gan's staring in her direction. She quickly said 'sorry for the disturbance' before bowing and leaving with Ditto. Gan was still stunned, it was an actual 5-star; something he had to have!

Robbing the place the first thing that came to his mind, but he was too inexperienced to rob a place so heavily guarded. He should start with simple places like the Museum first and go from there, he also lacked the gear to rob any of these places.

Thoughts of burglary quickly dissolved as his option, for now!

Ditto was the product of a failed experiment to create Mewtwo; this Pokemon was the result of the failure.

Gan still contiuned to wait, in this time he checked his status and the amount of Pokemon he had caught so far. The number was an astonishing 46, he had caught this amount of Pokemon in a matter of days because he didn't slack.

"Well, 54 more to go until I can get those rewards." Gan always looked forward to his mission rewards.

"Well, we got the results, it turns out that the egg is the Pokemon known as Houndour!" The old man appeared out of nowhere and quickly move near the table to speak.

Gan was slightly stunned by his sudden appearance, but hearing his words made him happy. Houndour was a Dark and Fire-type Pokemon, it had a high special attack and an amazing Mega Evolution.

Gan nodded, but the old man squinted. He thought Gan would want to ask him more about the Pokemon since this kid seemed to be a native of Kanto.

Gan wanted to ask more about Ditto, he was certain that there were more Dittos around here with different natures for breeding purposes. "Question, how much does it cost to breed a Pokemon to get the best possible talent and nature?"

"Oh?" The old man was slightly stunned that Gan asked something different. "Well, everyone Pokemon has a talent level with some being higher and lower than others. For the highest possible ranking, which is said to be Diamond should cost ₱5,000,000."

Gan's face scrunched as his eyes were nearing bloodshot; this price was simply outrageous! Gan asked about Star Pieces as well, since this was the easiest way to raise talent. The old man nodded and said that they had a decent amount of Star Pieces for sale.

However, each Star Piece cost ₱700,000!

Gan nodded with a crooked smile before standing up.

"Also, do you know of Mega Evolution?" Before walking out, Gan asked his final question.

"Oh, yes." The old man smiled thoughtfully.

"Really? Any clues on where I can learn more?" Gan shook slightly from joy, it existed here; causing him to also sigh in deep relief.

"I heard the professor in Pallet Town was researching Mega Evolution. This is the same for other popular researchers and professors around the world. The most successful so far seems to be a guy named Augustine Sycamore, but he has explained his progress for all to know so he isn't exactly hiding his research."

The old man seemed quite informed about what was going on, but Gan could care less about that. If he had any doubts about what the old man was saying before, it was cleared with that Professor's name, Sycamore!

"Thanks, thank you for telling me!" Gan was truly grateful to know this information.

"No problem, come back anytime you want your eggs to be evaluated, or if you're interested in breeding Pokemon." The old man smiled before having someone guide Gan out.

Gan was still carrying his egg after leaving the building. He quickly started to head back up north—where he had originally come from. The City was really nice in Gan's opinion, but he had already chosen his future home.

Gan asked a few other people where he could find a Pokemon Center, and they told him nicely. Afterward, he made his way to the Pokemon Center; this was because he needed to do a few things with his Pokedex.

Gan had already stored his egg away at this point. The minute he entered the Pokemon Center, he walked over toward PC. Gan quickly connected his Pokedex to the PC, he had to make an account so he could store his Pokemon later.

However, this wasn't the main reason he wanted to make an account. He wanted to make an account because he could get a free map of every City in Kanto. Gan could just pull out his Pokedex to find where he wanted to go; this device could use GPS!

It took Gan ten minutes to create an account, there wasn't a person in sight besides the nurse behind the counter. Gan couldn't get his mind off that Ditto, it was such a good Pokemon that it was hard to pass up.

"I can only wait for the chance." There was no need to rush, he'd have his way in due time. Gan used his Pokedex like a map to find his way around the City. He went to a nearby bench and took out a bottle of water to drink.

He hadn't drunk any water since this morning, so he was fairly thirsty. Gan started to recall a few things he wanted to do. It hadn't been long since he visited the Museum, but he wanted to rob the place when he got there.

Tomorrow night seemed to be the perfect time to rob the place. There were many fossils across the region, but there were certain fossils he was interested in. Aerodactyl was fast and had a decent attack stat, and even if it didn't it could still use Hone Claws and even Dragon Dance to make up for it.

There were also fossils he wasn't interested in at all; this was mainly Cradily and Armaldo that could be found in the Hoenn Region. Then there was the Sinnoh Region with Bastiodon and Rampardos, one was highly defensive while the other was a hyper-offensive glass cannon.

Both of these Pokemon weren't bad, but they both had too many weaknesses with every fossil Pokemon being of the rock typing. Of course, Gan favored Rampardos more despite its poor defenses, it could hit and take down most Pokemon with one hit if they didn't resist it.

After drinking all of his Water, he tossed the bottle in the trash and stood up. He pulled out his Pokedex again and started to make his way toward Cerulean Gym. While he was here, he may as well try and defeat the Gym Leader.

All of his Pokemon were healed, and he barely did any training which wasn't good. Gan knew he had to take the time to actually train his Pokemon, but he wanted to get a few things done first. Using the GPS of his Pokedex; finding the Gym wasn't a challenge at all.

The Gym was huge, it looked just like it did in the anime! The roof of the Gym was clear and shaped like a pyramid, it had a large road leading to it. There were trees outside of the Gym and on the side of the road leading to it, you had to cross a small bridge that had water underneath it and surrounding the whole Gym to make it to the entrance.

"By far, this has to be the best-looking Gym, it looks way better than Pewter City's Gym!" Pewter City had nothing on this place, he had to admit this much. Gan quickened his footsteps before crossing the small bridge and entering the Gym.

Like Pewter City's Gym, he was greeted by a front desk with an attendant behind it. Gan saw that the floors had blue and white tiles everywhere, creating a pattern. The lobby had chairs and couches in it with bowls sitting on the tables filled with candy.

Besides the counter where the attendant was, he could see clear glass doors that led to a huge pool area. Gan could see a few people diving into the water, but he was sure that there were more people in there swimming.

"Hello, I can help you over here." The woman behind the counter noticed Gan and called out to him. The minute he walked in, his attention reverted to the pool area. The woman had blue hair and eyes, she wore short yellow shorts and a blue shirt with a Great Ball on it.

"You can hand me your membership card to train in the Gym, or if you aren't a member, you can sign up now." The woman smiled and suggested.

Gan handed her his card, which was his trainer ID.

"Huh?" The woman looked at the card with a stunned expression. Gan didn't need to say anything, as she already knew what this meant; the ID spoke for itself!

"Y-you're here to challenge the Gym Leader Misty?" She asked to be sure.

"Yes, when can she battle me?" Gan nodded and confirmed.

The woman stared at Gan's face for a moment; there hadn't been any challenges in a while so she was quite surprised.

"Uh..." Gan squinted, as he wondered what was wrong with this woman.

"Ah, sorry, it's just been a while since someone has challenged the Gym, you even have a Gym badge already." This was the most surprising, even if they did get challenged; the person usually never had a badge yet.

The woman checked his card with the Computer to be sure if it was the real deal. After confirming that it was authentic, she stood up and called someone over to take her place at the desk. The woman guided Gan to another location, which was a waiting room while she went to inform Misty of a challenger.
