
The Black Market!

Gan summoned Pidgeotto, and two Butterfrees to guard the Stall while they were outback. The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, he didn't have any Pokemon to protect himself when he was in danger. He could only comply with Gan's demands or get exposed, or worse, maybe even killed!

Of course, Gan had no intentions of killing this idiot, but robbing him was another story. As soon as Gan summoned Geodude and Koffing, his expression grew worse. This was mainly because of Koffing, this Pokemon wasn't anything good.

From what most natives in Kanto and Johto could make out, anyone that used a Koffing, Muk, Arbok, and so forth, weren't good people. Most people that carried these types of Pokemon were either Biker Gang members, thugs, or villainous people.

This easily confirmed what the man was afraid of; this kid was nothing good!

The man had a big tent set up on this street behind his stall where he sold things. Today he was selling Pokeballs; this is what he mainly sold but he had a few other things from what Gan could see.

"W-what do you want? What are you going to do?" The man asked nervously, but Gan didn't reply to him.

Gan spotted a rope and grabbed it; he tossed it to Geodude and instructed it to tie him up.

"You're going to answer my questions, I hate to use these types of means, but if you scream this also won't go well for you." Geodude hovered over and started to tie the man up without question, with an expression of seriousness.

"I-I don't know anything, come on man, show some humility." The man shook with worry and squeeze out what words he could.

"Humility has nothing to do with anything. The first question is, where is all the money you've earned; I need compensation." Gan asked bluntly.

"Ah, no, please, you're not gonna rob me for everything I got, are you?" The man asked in a shaky voice.

"No, but I will take what I want. I'll be sure to leave you with most of your things, but ill surely be taking these with me." Gan grabbed three discs sitting on the desk, they were apparently TMs.

"Nooo! I got those after selling a good amount of Pokeballs near Victory Road!" The man cried out, but Gan didn't care, as he put them away.

"Too bad, but it helps you, so now you only have to pay me ₱60,000." Gan smiled and signaled Koffing into position.

"S..sixty t-thousand! You're insane!" The man almost passed out. That was nearly all of the money he accumulated over the year.

"Well, since you can't pay, then enjoy being on a timer for life. I'll just have Koffing poison you, then we'll see how long you'll last." Gan only looked at the man coldly to let him know that he was serious.

"Wait! Okay! The money is in the safe under the desk, don't take all of it, please!" The pleaded then he told Gan the code.

Gan went over to the desk and opened the safe, which was a decently sized safe. Anyone would notice it the minute they went behind it to check.

"You're crying about money when you have around ₱250,000 in this thing, are you kidding me?" Gan took ₱80,000 instead because the guy took too long to tell him about the safe.

"Not all of the money is for me, that's why." The man felt like crying but no tears came.

"Well, I took your portion, anyway, tell me the location of this Black Market." Gan paid no attention to the man's expression and asked nonchalantly.

The man began to relay that these people came from the Hoenn region, and that they were here for 'business'. They had set up a market after running a few things by Team Rocket. The underground organization that ran things in the dark in both Kanto and Johto.

Of course, they had competition, such as the Poacher Organization. The Black Market was located in the East of Viridian City. The police, for some odd reason never bothered with this strange place, there was no telling why.

Gan speculated that the police were being paid off and were corrupted.

"Okay, you did well." Gan nodded with a smile.

"Really, you'll let me go?" The man smiled happily.

"No." Gan summoned two Beedrill and told them to watch him while he was gone.

"A...h!" The man smothered his screams after seeing those 2 Giant Bugs. However, Gan instructed Geodude to knock the man out. Geodude went over and chopped him on the neck, then he gagged his mouth before leaving out of the tent.

Gan stole a few of his Pokeballs, he took five Quickballs, twenty Pokeballs, three Luxaryballs, and five Loveballs!

He wanted to check this Black Market out, he learned from the man that most people wore cloaks when they went there. This was to obviously hide their appearance when they went to such a place, and Gan wasn't an exception.

Gan easily purchased a cloak and a strange clown mask before going to this Black Market's location. He steadily made his way to this Black Market, he was a bit nervous but he had an identity he could rely on, so he felt a bit better thinking about it.

As he continued the walk, he slowly watched as the surroundings slowly changed around him. Those nice buildings and houses started to disappear, and so did those friendly-looking stall attendants on the streets.

The street became rough and rugged; there were a few sketchy people roaming the streets in these parts. The houses looked worn down here, there were a few Pokemon eating out of the garbage in the alleyways, but these were just Rattata and Pidgey.

There were a few rough-looking stalls set up with people selling some goods as well here. They wore cloaks as expected; they even had a few people acting as bodyguards around them.

"I saw it first, get the hell away or I'll f**king kill you!" A burly man hollered at some man at a stall.

"I'm the one who saw it first, you better leave while you still have a life in your hands!" The other man, who appeared to be tall and slim threatened.

They appeared to be fighting over something that they both wanted to purchase. From what Gan could see, it was a TM, to be exact, the TM-Facade.

The muscular man punched the slender man's face at a moment's notice, but the slender man expected this and dodged. He took the time to kick the man in his knee, once the man muscular man missed.

"Ah, you bitch!" The man cursed and grabbed the Pokeball from his waist. He tossed it and summoned a Raticate. It was at level twenty, and it attacked the Slender man with its sharp teeth!

"Ahhh!" The man screamed in pain. The Raticate continued to tear into the man's leg and he screamed hysterically until he fainted. During this whole process, no one said anything but Gan was shocked at the sight.

The muscular man sneered and recalled his Raticate, then he purchased the TM and left. Soon after, a few men came out and tossed the slender man into an alley without care and went on their way.

Gan approached the stall, but the man appeared to be closing up.

"I'm closing, come back tomorrow." The man waved his hand and didn't even look at Gan.

"I didn't come here to buy anything, I'm here because I need information." Gan didn't find anything interesting at this man's stall anyway.

"Information? Hmm..." The man turned to Gan and continued. "What kind of information are you looking for?"

"I just want to know where they sell Pokemon and the good stuff, you know?" Gan simply said.

"Who are you exactly, they don't just sell to random people, so I'm afraid I can't help you if you have no identity." The cloaked salesman shook his head, he couldn't just give information out like this.

It could come back to haunt him later if it was found out that he gave their location out to some random cloaked stranger.

"I'm not some random stranger, check it out." Gan flashed his Team Rocket ID.

*Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't know you were a part of them!" The man gasped and was stunned. Team Rocket operated a lot in this location, so he had seen them around here quite often.

"Now, can you tell me? I don't visit Viridian a lot, so I'm new here." Gan said.

"If you don't mind, can I check if your Identification Card is real? I hope you understand that I'm only taking precautions in this matter." The man had to be sure, so he wanted to see Gan's ID for himself. He could tell a real from a fake, so he wouldn't be fooled if someone tried to show him a counterfeit.

Gan handed his ID over, he was a part of Team Rocket, so he didn't expect to run into too much trouble on his turf. The man put it over his head and allowed the sun to hit it like the people in his old-world did to confirm if money was real.

"It's real, I hope you aren't offending?" The man nodded continuously and handed Gan back his ID.

"Not even, just tell me the location, I want to purchase a Pokemon or two." Gan didn't care about such little things, after all, it was his life on the line if they knew he exposed them to some stranger.

"Right away!" The man began to relay everything, as Gan listened closely. Soon after, Gan went on his way to that location. After walking down the rough streets, Gan was nearly robbed twice, but he had his Pokemon shut them down right away.

Eventually, he made it to a house that looked too torn down to be what he was looking for. However, he knew this was the area because he saw a few guys with tattoos and mohawks in front of the house playing cards.

Their appearance's looked intimidating, no average person would approach them. At least the people in his previous world would do best to ignore these types of people. Gan only had his ID to go on because he didn't have his uniform to fit the description perfectly.

The minute Gan pulled up, they looked at him with sharp gazes. Gan didn't have time to deal with ignorant clowns, so he flashed his ID. Once they saw it, they blinked for a second and turned to continue their card game.

"A Team Rocket Member? Do you need some help searching for something you want?" Suddenly, a fat man came out of the house. Gan had seen a silhouette looking out of the window not too long ago; this must have been that Silhouetted figure.

"Yes, I'm looking to purchase some Pokemon, it'd be nice if you could... help me." Gan spoke slowly, as to not trip on his words.

"Hehe, you've come to the right place, right this way." The fat man grinned and welcomed Gan inside.
