
Chapter 1201 Big Castle, Little Trees and MORE IDEAS

Kress Chapter

The Competitors: Kress, Borgick, Midnight, Stan, Ellenell 

The Assistants: Blue, Marigold, Carl, Gareth, Burgandy


Kress carefully scraped off more sand from the giant sand mound with a miniature shovel that was slightly smaller than his hand. He'd gotten it from the creepy Thyme in the corner just be yelling, and he'd resolved to stay away from Thyme while they were choosing to look like that. 

Working on the castle was both nerve wracking and calming. His first cut, with the large shovel he'd started with would've seen the main tower taking up around half of the sand pile, which really wasn't what he was going for. This wasn't meant to be a 'wizard tower with walls' even if the concept in and of itself wasn't a bad one. No, he wanted a proper castle with a number of different towers attached to a large main building and then work on the surroundings a bit. 
