
Chapter 941 Unexpected Guests

Kat was surprised when she heard the doorbell ring. It was early in the morning and everyone else was sitting down having breakfast. Sylvie was smiling happily as she munched down on pancakes that seemed to be half syrup. As the only one not eating, Kat thought it was only polite she open the door. *Who is it? Lily would just walk in these days and I didn't think Sylvie had anyone else coming over…?*

Kat abused her speed a bit to get over to the door, but just as she was about to put her hand on the handle, Callisto said, "Kat, no need to get up I'm more than happy to answer the door,"

Which was of course, rather strange because Kat was already AT the door in question. It was even stranger when Callisto came around the corner and looked Kat dead in the eyes and mouthed 'say something back'. Um… "It's really no trouble, I mean… I've finished with breakfast?" said Kat unsure. 
